Undead Ahead//9

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After the concert and the meet and greet, we all went out for chicken because well it felt like a chicken night. As we were walking we just taking and laughing when I heard an unknown noise. Instantly I stopped to listen to the noise closer.
"HELP! SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!" A female voice screamed.
Without a second thought I took of towards the screams hearing the guys behind me. As I ran down the street the screams got louder and louder.
"LET ME GO PLEASE!" The voice screamed.
"No one's gonna hear ya darling so stop your screaming!" An all to familiar voice said as I neared the screaming.
"Heaven! What are you doing?!" Chris' voice asked to which I put up a hand and shooed him away.
I walked closer until I was at the opening of the alleyway. Instead of seeing a man attacking a woman like I expected, I saw my step father standing there with random woman. He smiled as he saw me telling the girl to leave. She gave me a look of sympathy before running off.
"Heaven! Come here darling! Give daddy a hug!" He said as he launched himself at me, catching me.
"Let me go! CHRIS! CHRIS HELP!" I managed to scream out before my mouth was covered with a rag.
In my shocked and scared state I was breathing hard not realizing that Danny had put Chloroform on the rag. I started passing out although I was trying to resist it. The last thing I can remember seeing is Chris and the guys running around the corner of the alleyway to get me.
"HEAVEN! NOOO!" Chris yelled as I was drifting off.
*purposely putting in Chris' POV here because it will help this chapter*
&÷£÷£÷*×&Chris' POV &÷£÷£÷*
"Let me go! CHRIS! CHRIS HELP!" I heard Heaven yell after she went into the alley.
That alone told me there was trouble. As soon as I heard my name yelled in that manner I ran, the guys following. We turned the corner to see no one other than Danny. He was holding Heaven in his arms with a rag over her face. Her brow orbs usually filled with love and happiness were filled with fear. Her eyes had started to droop indicating the rag had drugs on it.
"HEAVEN! NOOO!" I yelled as they went behind a building.
We had followed them only to lose them in the dark. Although we couldn't see we ran hoping to catch up to them. By the time we saw them Danny had put her in the trunk of his car and was driving off. We continued on running until we couldn't. Me and Ryan on the other hand continued to run until the car turned.
I stopped running and dropped to my knees. My daughter had just been taken by the man who had beaten her and pretended to be her father. Tears slipped out of my eyes, down my face to the concrete below me. Bringing my arms down to the ground I began yelling. As I yelled I punched the hard ground until I couldn't feel my hands.
Arms began to wrap around me, hands began to pull me up but I resisted,continuing to punch the ground. When my hands couldn't take it anymore I finally felt the blood drip down my arms, leaving a crimson trail. Tears stained my face as I knew I had just lost my daughter.
"Yes he was punching the ground. Alright. See you in a few minutes." I heard Balz say behind me.
I was pulled into someone's arms as I cried. Soon I was surrounded by the guys as we waited. Our circle was only broken by the sound of sirens from an ambulance. EMTs ran to me pulling me towards their truck.
"What's your name?" One asked.
"Chris." I cried.
"Can you tell us why you were punching the ground?" The other asked as they took care of my hands.
"My daughter. She was...."
"She was what sir?"
"She was.... taken. By her step father, Danny Lane."
"Can you guys confirm this?" They asked the guys.
"Yes. We tried to chase the guy but we didn't get very far." Ricky answered.
"Ok. Sir we're gonna give you and your friends a ride to the police. You need to tell the police what happened alright?"
"Alright." I said as we piled into the ambulance.
Hey my Crucified peoples!
So I know I haven't updated in months but I have now!
This chapter kind of marks the story coming to an end. I honestly was trying to make the story last a little while longer but even I knew I wasn't gonna be able to.
I'm not saying this the end of the story but I am saying that the story is ending. Now I'm still considering on if I could make a sequel. If I could I would need suggestions but that's for another time.
Anywhore enjoy the chapter and vote / comment / all that good stuff!
Loves! ~ WeTheCrucified/ Scarlett Corpse

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