When Love Met Destruction//10

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#*#£#*= Heaven's POV#*#£#*=
When I had woken up I was moving. Not like I was moving my body but like I was in a car. My hands wandered around my surroundings finding a handle type thing. Unknowingly I pulled it. The trunk opened and I saw the car was moving down the highway. The car driving behind us slowed down when I opened the trunk.
"Are you okay?!" The driver yelled out the window at me.
"Call the police! I've been kidnapped!" I yelled back. "It won't be long before he figures out I opened the trunk!"
"What's your name?!"
"Heaven Cerulli!"
The car took a sharp right causing me to fall back and the trunk to close. Crap! He knows. The car came to a stop then I heard a car door open. I listened to footsteps walk to the trunk thinking the worst of what he could do.
The trunk flew open and I was pulled out by my hair. Screaming, I was thrown onto the rock covered ground into a pile of broken glass.
"What the hell did you just do?!" He yelled in my face.
I only sat crying from the pain I was in. I hadn't answered him scared of what would happen.
"Answer me damnit! What the hell did you do?! Do realize what you just did?!"
I knew exactly what I had done. I had given myself a chance to get back to my dad. But of course out of fear I kept quiet.
It looked like Danny was going to say something but instead pulled his foot back and kicked me. He kicked me with all the force he had. Danny began to beat me until I slowly blacked out.
! €! €÷& Chris' POV ! €! €÷&
&÷€÷&÷& two months later &÷€÷&÷&
"It's no use. I can't sleep." I murmured to myself as I sat on the couch.
It's currently 4 a.m. and I can't sleep. For the past two months sleep hasn't been an option. Instead of sleeping I've done nothing but worry. Worry about Heaven and how she is.
"Daddy? If you hear me please don't cry." I heard Heaven cry.
I looked up at my tv to see Heaven. She was tied up with blood and tears on her face. Her clothes were ripped to where she was almost exposed, her hair a ratty mess, her eyes dull and full of pain, her lips were so chapped it looked like she was ready to die. Her appearance said she wanted nothing more than to die at this point. My Heaven, my baby. She was somewhere I couldn't find her, taken by her crazy step dad.
"Say it. Exactly the way I told you." I heard Danny say.
"You won't get me back. Not for any amount of money. Danny won't take it. He doesn't want money, he just wants me. I'm his only family and he likes to have his control over me." Heaven sobbed. Softly in the background I hear footsteps walk away from her.
"He's gone. Chris please come get me. I don't wanna be here anymore! I just wanna be home in your arms! I can tell you where I am. I'm at-"
"You fucking bitch!" Danny screamed as he smacked her, making her cry even more.
The camera moved until I could see Danny's face. In the background I saw what looked like old factory parts. For an old bakery I think.
"Anything she said about where we are isn't true. She has no idea where she's at. Shut the hell up you piece of shit!" The screen went black afterwards.
"More on this story as it develops." The news reporter said.
They're in an old bakery huh? I know where an abandoned bakery here in town is! Why haven't I found her in two months when they were so close?!
"GUYS! GET UP, WE'RE GOING TO FIND HEAVEN!" I yelled as I walked out of my room.

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