Destroying Everything//12

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"Heaven?" His familiar voice croaked out.

"Daddy." I smiled.

He sounded just about as horrible as he looked. His voice sounded like he hadn't used it in forever. Like he's been on mute for days or weeks. It had cracked in the middle of the word he spoke but at the same time it was very quiet like he was whispering yet it was just loud enough for me to hear it. He took a small step forward which caused Danny to press the cool metal to my head harder. At that moment I had finally realized what was pointed at my head. A gun, thats right he bought one a few years back. It was a silver .45 caliber, a colt government model with a wood looking handle. It's kind of weird considering mom had broke the trigger to where it wouldn't shoot right a year after he got it but I guess he fixed it.

"That's far enough. Don't come any closer." Danny snapped.

His voice had wavered. He was scared. He wouldn't admit to it though, he was too proud. The fact that Chris had more than just himself scared Danny. Danny knew that if he tried to shoot Chris then he would have 5 other guys on his ass like bees to honey. (Sorry. I'm southern.) So with that in mind he kept the gun to my head although that would result in 6 guys on his ass but I'm closer and easier to shoot, I wouldn't fight him.

Chris, being his dumb ass, didn't listen and took one more step. Danny pulled down the hammer, cocking the gun. I closed my eyes tightly as small tears ran down my cheeks. Chris got it at this point as I didn't hear any more footsteps.

"Listen to him please. I know him. He will shoot with no hesitation. Just don't walk towards me. I'll be okay." I murmured just loud enough to be heard.

Of course no one listened to me and I heard more footsteps but they were farther away indicating that it was one of the guys. They didn't stop though, more joined and soon enough 6 pairs were walking towards me. Idiots. I didn't have more time to think before the gun was shot.

#^$$#^@%Chris' POV#^$$#^@%

Ricky started walking towards me completely ignoring Heaven. Her eyes were tightly closed and light tears were falling. Danny looked at us with a hard expression. Soon enough we were all taking small steps towards them. His expression changed to one that read 'you didn't listen' and before we could react his finger was on the trigger. His slender, pale finger was placed on the metal then pulled on it. Two seconds. Two seconds before Heaven's crying turned into her eyes being wide.

Her head bled as the bullet made it's way through the skull and brain matter. In one side and out the other and hitting the wall at the same speed. I couldn't stop myself from falling as I had thrown myself at him when he pulled the trigger. Heaven's bright blue eyes rolled into the back of her head after paling. Her head hung as she sat two feet from me, dead. She was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.

I looked up at Danny. His eyes widened as if signaling that he knew what was gonna happen. He had taken my daughter away from me before I could be in her life for even a year. I was gonna kill him. I got up and tackled him down before he could run. My hand balled up into a fist then collided with his face. My hand kept coming up then colliding with his face until I heard sirens. Police men had to quite literally drag me off him. I pushed them off then went to Heaven. She was still tied to the chair, they hadn't gotten to her yet.

"Heaven?" I whispered knowing she wouldn't answer. "Sweet pea, I love you. I want you to know that." I lost it there. "You're not dead, are you? Please tell me you aren't. Please open your eyes and smile like it never happened. Please! Heaven you can't just die on me! Come back!"

"Chris, she's gone. She's not coming back." Vinny whispered.

"NO!" I screamed.

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