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"Hey everyone. It's nice to see you again." Chris' girlfriend said as she stepped inside.

Everyone groaned in response. Jessica just smiled and looked around looking for someone. (For some reason I really wanted her name to be Rebecca and I don't know why.) She stopped looking when her eyes fell on me. I guess she was looking for me. Out of habit I began singing Angel Eyes by New Years Day somewhat quietly.

"Chris is that your daughter?" She asked with slight disgust in her voice.

"Yea that's my daughter. Her name is Heaven. Get along with her." He replied aware of the way she had asked him. "Now I will see you in a little bit so sit and pay handed with the guys or just stare at the wall."

He gave her a quick kiss before he walked over to me. After he walked away from her Jessica stuck her tongue out at me then mouthed 'he's mine bitch'. I didn't even know this girl and I already didn't like her. Once Chris had gotten to me he closed the curtains and just stood there.

"I saw what she did just then just so you know. By the way she's not someone to worry about, she's not one to get her hands dirty or her nails broken or her face bruised." He said after a minute of complete silence.

"So she's a basic white bitch?" I asked

"Yes well... yes but that's beside the point and please don't call her that at least not to her face." He said.

He walked over to and grabbed my arm. I flinched half because it was unexpected and half because I had cuts all down my arms that I didn't want him to know about. He proceeded to gently pull the sleeve of my jacket up but I stopped him by pulling my arm back. I thought maybe he would get the hint I was sending him but he didn't.

He continued to reach for my arm but I yank away sometimes after he already caught my arm. He finally got fed up with it and climbed on top of me still trying to grab my arm but I still wouldn't let him.


"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed back and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He groaned as he fell backwards, letting go of me. I took the opportunity and ran straight out the door leaving everyone watching confused. I ran down the street before running into someone. I looked up to see a man dressed in leather and anti gravitational hair. I moaned in pain as I fell on the concrete. The man reached his hand out and helped me up.

"What are you doing out here? It's pretty late so you should probably get inside. You never know what kind of weirdos are wandering around." He said.

"Heaven! Come back please!" I hear Ghost call from the bus.

"Is that you?" I nod. "Then you should get back to them. I'm Bret by the way." He said putting his hand out for me to shake. I kind of stare at his hand for a little bit then shake it.

"I-I'm Heaven." I say nervously.

"Heaven don't make me come after you! Because I will find you and I will tickle you!" I hear Ricky yell.

"Hey you wouldn't happen to know where the Motionless In White bus is do ya?" Bret asks.

I nod and softly grab his hand leading him to the guys yelling voices. He follows me without question allowing me to hold his hand. Once we get to the bus everyone jumps out to hug but stop when they see Bret. I let go of his hand so he step forward which he doesn't do. He just stands there like a board.

"Um I'm Bret Von Dehl. I'm looking for Chris." He says.

Before anyone can say anything Chris steps out. He looks around then stops when he sees me. He doesn't waste any time grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. He starts pulling me to room despite me fighting him.

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