Part 1: Visiting??

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(You were wearing something like this)

(Of course you don't have to wear this! You can change it up or choose something else! Just thought I'd give an idea)

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(Of course you don't have to wear this! You can change it up or choose something else! Just thought I'd give an idea)

Today was the day we are visiting Papa! I'm so excited I haven't seen him since me and Pili were 1!

This is going to be so fun! Pili is upset she didn't get to go to her Geocaching camp but I'm super excited!

I sat in the car with Pili besides me in the back. My mom was in the front and my brother named  Ioane or E sat in the passenger seat.
I couldn't wait to see Papa's house! I only saw pictures of it and it was beautiful. The only downside is Papa probably doesn't have WiFi. Pili and E won't like that!
About 2 and a half hours later we arrived! Mom was on the phone with someone. We all got out of the car. Hawaii was more beautiful then the pictures! I thought to myself. I breathed in the Hawaiian air and it was so nice.
I watched as Pili attempted to take E's phone but  wasn't really careful and E felt it and turned around. I started giggling at Pili's attempt. "Hey!" E yelled at Pili. " I was only going to use it for a minute." Pili explained. "Get a job and buy your own!" E said.

"It's important! Yoli said she'd tell me about the geocaching camp I'm missing!"
"Mom! They're fighting again." I yelled.
"Pili, relax! You can check your email when we get inside the house."
"What if Papa doesn't have internet?!"

We all walked into the house. I have to say it's a pretty nice house! "Dad, hello!" Mom yelled looking for Papa while me Pili and E looked around. "Oh jeez" Mom said looking at the mess. "Ew ants!" Mom yelled throwing some dishes that have yet to be washed.

"It smells like.." E started, "Old people and.." Pili continued, "Disappointment." I finished. We all started looking around while Mom looked for papa. Mom mumbled something but I was to focused looking at all of the books to hear. "Dad!" I heard Mom yell. "What's that?" Pili asked and I stayed focused on the books. "Oh, the second sign were in hell. First being NO WIFI!" E yelled. Oh no.
I thought. I turned around and saw them all talking. "Mom! How am I going to know what I'm missing at camp now?!" Pili exclaimed. I let out a little chuckle then Pili gave me a death glare.

Pili started to sneak up on E to take his phone. She started to take it when E yelled "Hey!" And turned around. He picked her up and threw her onto a chair. "Hey what are you doing! Jeez!" Pili yelled as he threw a pillow on her and sat on her. He started to punch her when I yelled "Mom!".

"Ioane, please don't kill your sister." Mom told him and I blew a raspberry at him and he got up and charged at me then did the same as Pili to me. I reached and grabbed his man nips. "Ow!" He yelled then got off me. "You just nearly tore off my nip!" He yelled at me so I blew another raspberry and went outside. I started to walk around and almost ran into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I said to them. "It's ok!" They said back to me. I looked up to meet they're eyes and saw a cute boy with, blue glasses, orange hair, and pretty eyes. "I'm so sorry I-" he cut me off by saying "No it's fine! Aloha I'm Casper!" He said to me. "Well hello! I'm Y/N!" I replied

"I feel like we're going to be great friends!"

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Thank you for reading my first chapter! There will be more coming your way!
Remember to give suggestions please! This is my first fan fiction!

684 words

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