Part 5: Hello!

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"As the sun set and the rain fell,

we cut our own path."
       Pili read. Her imagination flowed as she read, she thought of a man cutting through leaves with a sword. This obviously took place a long time ago because they were all wearing pirate clothing. "Filled  with exotic sights, strange sounds," She continued to let her imagination flow as she read. "and Brown marked our way." She thought of a image of a man carving something into a rock, "And I, the ship's quartermaster, recorded it."

       "Hey Pili!" I said walking up to her watching as she continued to read her book. "Pili." I heard Casper say confused as I continued to watch Pili read her book knowing what's going to happen. "Pili?" Casper asked waving his hand in front of her book to get her attention. She snapped out of her trance and tripped Casper, getting on top of him getting ready to punch. "Casper! You can't sneak up on a New Yorker!" She yelled at him.

    "People die doing that." She said then looked at me. She then hit me gently and said "And you should of told him.". I laughed nervously. "Aren't you Hawaiian?" Casper asked Pili confused. "Yeah, but we moved to New York when we were one." I said.

         "Anyways don't expect an apology, I'm too progressive." She said sitting back down in the grass. "I'm sorry you had to hit me??" Casper said kind of angry. I sat down next to Pili which made Casper sit. "Hey, Y/N?" Pili started. "Yeah?" I asked her wondering what she would ask.

      "You learned Hawaiian right? How much do you know?" She asked me. "Hmm. I'm pretty fluent but there still are words I don't know. Why?" I asked her.  "I'm trying to translate these and it's taking FOREVER.". She replied as me and Casper looked at the book. "Most of this is in Spanish. You know Spanish?" Casper asked her. "Yeah." I said. "I got tired of explaining to people I wasn't Puerto Rican, so I learned it." She finished my sentence."Whose journal is this?" I asked her. "Some dude named Monks. He was a-" Casper cut her of by saying "Sailor on the Peruvian." Me and Pili looked at him confused. "The Peruvian's treasure is legendary!" He told us while making eye contact with me.

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Sorry for the HUGE delay of chapters! I've been very busy lately
But I'll try my best to update more! I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

429 words

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