Part 6

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"Treasure? Like real treasure??" Pili asked him. "People are still looking for it!" Casper explained to us. Looking from me to Pili then back to me. I sat there in shock. Treasure?! I thought. "I can't believe this is monks!" He started to move over to look at it as I got squished between the two. "What's it say?" He asked still squishing me not knowing what he was doing. I pushed him off me a bit and he realized and mumbled a little "sorry." And scooted away.

  "Okay so..." Pili began. "As you know, Spanish colonizers hired a bunch of privateers to hide their gold, but then Robinson and Brown discovered a secret." Robinson and Brown cleared their throats and said "Monks!" Monks turned away from the conversation with one of his co-workers and walked over to them as the dark wooden floor creaked. Robinson and Brown told Monks: "Yo, fam, our captain's gonna kill us and keep all that sweet sweet gold for himself!". "That suuuuuucks!" Monks replied.

  "It's real wack." Robinson said. Brown told Monks "Dawg, you wanna mutinize?", "Yeah, that sounds lit." Monks said, then they all laughed evilly.  So they did a mutiny.  Brown could kill with a piece of bread.

And as the Peruvian burnt down, Robinson, Brown, Monks, and a handful of trusted privateers hauled the treasure ashore. And that's when they decided: "Yo, let's hide the treasure here." "Yeah, so we can get a new ship and peace out.".

"And that's as far as I got." Pili said finished what she read. "Do you care about spoilers?" Casper asked getting excited. "Not if it adds to the story!" Pili said. "After they hid the treasure, Monks stayed behind to guard it." Casper continued "While Robinson and Browns sailed back to England, but their ship never made it.". "Oh snap!" Me and Pili said in unison. "A storm hit their ship and everyone on it was lost at sea. And Monks, he was almost beaten to death. He was crawling around in the hot sand.. Poor guy."
"He was almost beaten to death by who?" Pili asked him. "It's a mystery. An old Hawaiian couple found him just in the nick of time." Casper replied looking at me.

"If Robinson, Brown, and Monks didn't get to the treasure, where is it..?" I asked. "No one knows. One theory is Monks told the couple where it was, but no ones ever cashed in a fortunes worth of Spanish gold." Casper told me and Pili excited.

"I really gotta finish reading this!" Pili said and we all went to read the book. "Hey!" We heard Papa yell at us.

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I am EXTREMELY sorry for the delay!
I promise to get back into the habit of uploading every two days! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

473 words.

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