Part 3: He's kinda cute....

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Me and Casper were sitting in the grass while Mortimer was cuddling into my leg. Me and Casper were having a conversation about our favorite tv show. "To be honest, I really like The Amazing World Of Gumball." (IDK MAYBE) Casper told me. I smiled at the thought of him watching that show. "That's a good show!" I replied with a smirk. "I like F/S!(favorite show)" I said. He smiled at me. His smile is so cute.. Wait what am I thinking! We're just friends.. "That's a good show!" He replied back.

We were talking about random things for over a hour, we didn't notice until my mom came outside and told me it was time to go inside. We said our goodbyes and I went inside. I decided to go to my room, somehow I got my own room. It was a pretty nice room.
(Something like this of course you can change it)

           You lay down on the bed and look at the ceiling just thinking about your day

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You lay down on the bed and look at the ceiling just thinking about your day. You started to smile when Casper came to your mind. Do I like him..? No! I can't I just met him! You buried yourself beneath your blanket and tried to sleep. But you couldn't, your mind just kept going back to the question Do I like him?. At one point you sat up and looked out of the window and guess what. It was raining. You sighed as you watched the rain. At one point you started to fall asleep so you wrapped yourself into your blankets and slowly fell asleep.

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"Y/N! Time to wake up! Breakfast is ready!" I heard Ioane yell from the kitchen. I groaned as I started to get up. I went and looked through my suitcase. I sighed realizing I should unpack soon. I figured I'd do it later. I picked out some clothes and put them on.
(Some thing like this and of course you can change it up!)

I walked to the kitchen to find Ioane and Pili fighting about the food Ioane made

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I walked to the kitchen to find Ioane and Pili fighting about the food Ioane made. "Good mornin-" I started but was cut off with Mom and Papa fighting outside . "Five years dad! Five years! How could you not have paid your property taxes in five years?" I heard mom yell. Me, Ioane, and Pili ran up to the door to hear better. "Why didn't you tell me you were in trouble?" We heard mom ask Papa. "I can take care of myself!" I heard Papa yell back at Mom. "Really? 'Cause your about to lose your house!" Me Pili and Ioane looked at each other in shock.

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Sorry about the delay! This chapter was kinda in a rush so I'm sorry if it's bad!

456 words

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