Part 4

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                              "Dad, I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe you would be better off in New York. You could get around easier-" Mom started to explain but was cut off by Papa saying "This is my kuleana. This is our ohana's land! Not like you, I'm gonna die before I leave." Papa said. Mom then came walking towards the door so I, Pili, and Ioane went back to what we were doing before. Ioane looked at me and gave me a plate with spinach and eggs. I mumbled a little 'thank you' and took a fork. "E, get ready. We're leaving in ten." Mom told Ioane. "What where are you going?" I asked. "We're gonna go pick up Papa's meds and a new router. E said something about needing a stronger one or something. I just need to take care of a few things." Mom told me. Papa walked in looking mad. "But I thought we were gonna go geocaching today. I packed for two." Pili told Mom which made me feel bad. "Oh, Sugarcane. I'm so sorry, not today. Okay? Maybe tomorrow." Mom told Pili. I felt really bad for Pili because she probably was really excited to go geocaching with Mom.

.        •       POV SWITCH: Ioane      .     •      .

I heard someone knocking on the door so I went and opened it. This boy with red hair was standing there. "Aloha I'm Casper!" The boy said to me, I slapped his hand. He then said. "Would Y/Naloha and Pilialoha be around?" I looked at a car because I heard a car door shut. I saw a beautiful girl holding pastries. SHE. IS. GORGEOUS. I watched as she tripped and almost dropped the pastries but caught them. She began walking towards me and said "Let me guess. Your not Pili or Y/N but their brother?" She asked me. "E." I replied.

"Like the letter?" She asked. "It's short for equal pay, am I right?" I reached my hand out for her to shake. She shook it as I said "Just kidding. It's short for Ioane." I started, "And you are?" "Hana." She replied. Hana.. "Hana, what is that? Japanese?" I asked her. "It's also Hawaiian. Like Ioane." "That's me. Yeah.." I replied to only get someone's hand waved in my face. I look to see the Red haired boy. "About Pili and Y/N, are they here?" He asked me. "Gingerbread, move along. We're talking." I replied a little irritated that he interrupted our conversation. "Don't do that." Hana told me. "Do what??" I asked. "Act like a tool! Just answer his question are your sisters here or not." She asked irritated at me.

"Erm.. Y/N's in here room I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you went and got her.. And Pili's out back dude.." I replied. "I finish work at 3:00. Call me if you need a ride home." I watched as Hana talked to the orange haired boy. "Mahalo for the ride." He told her. "Yeah of course!" She replied. They then did a handshake for like 5 seconds. "It's so long!" The orange haired boy said as he walked inside the house I'm assuming to go find Y/N.
"Nice to meet you, Hudson!" I yelled after him. "So Hana we should-" She shoved the pastries in my hands. "Oh these are nic-" I watched as she walked away.

.        •       POV SWITCH: Casper     .     •      .
I start walking looking for Y/N's room when I ran into someone. "Sorry!" I heard them say. "It's ok!" I replied not wanting them to feel bad. I look up and see Y/N. Just as beautiful as always.. "Oh, Casper! What are you doing here?" She asked me. "I was looking for you and Pili actually!" I replied. "We need to stop meeting like this." She said and giggled. Gosh her laugh is so cute.. But she doesn't like me. Does she..? We both got up and she lead me to Pili who was reading a book.

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That's the end of this chapter! Also if any of you guys have ideas on titles for chapters that would be greatly appreciated! Just leave me some ideas in the comments!

You can also leave suggestions! I hope you enjoyed!


Chapter Title Ideas:

712 words.

-+-Finding Love-+- Casper x reader Where stories live. Discover now