Part 11!(YAY)

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AN: Hey so um after like 1-2 years I finally decided to continue this and I just wanted to say, Thank you all for the support. Hope you enjoy <3

"Casper? What are you doing here??" I yelled across the street waiting for the car to pass by so I can walk across.
"I was looking for you!" He yelled back as I was crossing the street.
He walked up to me with a derpy smile as he fixed his glasses.
"You won't believe what I found! Follow me." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as he started to walk.
"Woah! Slow down. Geez." I said as I tried to keep up with him.
"Oh sorry!"
(: Time skip :)
He brought me to a cave-like area with glowing crystals and a pool of water(just imagine what you saw in the movie where Pili almost drowned)
"Cool right?" He said to me while looking around.
"How did you find this place? It's beautiful." I said as I went to walk more deep into the area only to realize that we were still holding hands. I let go and looked away trying to hide my face.
"I was just wandering around the area and I found it." He said trying to break the awkward silence.
"This is so cool!" I said as I turned to look at him but was interrupted by a vibrating in my pocket.
"Sorry i have to take this." I said as I took the phone out of my pocket and answered the call.(just act like we have a phone)
"Y/N? Where are you, we have to go to the hospital!" I heard Mom say over the phone.
"Wait, slow down! What's going on??"
"It's papa. He's not doing to well. Just get to the house! Quick!"
"Okay. I'll be there." I said as I hung the phone up then turned to Casper.
"I'm so sorry I have to go. It's urgent." I explained.
"No it's okay! Would you like me to walk you home?"
"Sure! I'd like that." I replied.
(: Another time skip! :)
As me and Casper walked up to the house we heard a car pull up behind us. I looked back to see Mom and Ioane in the front seats.
"That's me. Get home safe okay Casper?" I said while walking back to the car.
"I will! Don't worry." He replied smiling.
I got into the car and put my seatbelt on.
"Ready?" I heard mom say from the front seat.
AN: So thats all I have for this chapter! Sorry that I changed a few things for this story! I promise to keep updating you guys and I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night!

                   465 words

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