Part 7 (IM NOT DEAD) :)

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         "So, you two stole from me. I am your papa, I'm your grandfather." He reached his hand out gesturing for Pili to hand him the book. Me and her both sighed as she gave him the book. "Wait!" Pili said. Me and Papa looked over at her confused. She looked from me to Papa then said "I left something, in the book." Papa sighed and shook the book and a picture of Mom and Dad at their wedding fell out. Dad was carrying mom bridal style. Mom had the most beautiful dress on, Dad had a amazing tuxedo on and he looked handsome as always. I was shocked she had that picture. She quickly snatched the photo.

"Where.... Where did you get that..?" I asked confused. She looked at me and said "In Moms room." She then looked back to Papa "She didn't say I couldn't have it though, I didn't steal it." She explained. "'I didn't steal it' Hand it over, mongoose." Papa told her. "I'm not a mongoose." She said trying to protest. "Hand it over." He ordered guest urging for her to hand the picture to him. Pili groaned as she put the picture in his hand.

"Wow..." Papa said. Me and Pili looked at him confused. "Your mother looks so happy here, look!" He exclaimed with a smile on his face. "You know what?" He asked me and Pili. "What?" Me and her replied in unison. "You two have your father's smile." He said looking from Pili to me. "Really?" I asked. "Really." Me and Pili smiled at him.

Papa held the journal in his hands as he said "This was my papa's who got it from his papa.. Who got it from Monks..". Me and Pili stared at him in disbelief. "So our great-great-great-great...." I continued for her "Our family saved Monk's life?". Papa nodded at us. "And my papa's papa.. Got this from Monks." He said as he pulled out a necklace with a price of gold on it. "Woah..." I gasped, "Is it real??" Pili asked. "Of course it's real, look again." Papa replied. Pili started looking around. "Then where's the rest of it? Why aren't you living in a mansion??" She asked. "A mansion?" I asked her. "Look around, we Hawaiian. We kanaka!" He told her sternly. "We're so lucky to live in Hawaii." I explained to her. "So your saying you never found it." Pili claimed. Papa smirked at her.

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I'm sorry for the few months I haven't updated! I've been working on keeping my grade up and trying not to stress. But I'll try to get into the habit of updating again.

447 words

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