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New story, just a little thing I put together when i was bored, different takes on things. Now guys, do I need to do my usual rant? Never the less, everything in this story is made up, it never happened yadda yadda. ENJOY! 

I do not mean ANY harm to Eleanor Calder. This is merely fan fiction. 

© copyright 2013. 


(Louis' POV)

I walked inside our house, the one we all share, and quickly walked to the bathroom, trying to avoid the four other boys who were somewhere in this house. I don't really want them to see me with blood on my face now do I? Unfortunately, the bathroom downstairs was already taken, so I would have to go upstairs now, risk someone seeing me, just to wash my face. 

Hastily I ran up the stairs, tip-toed past the bedroom doors only to find that this bathroom was also being used. The only one left, was the one in Harry's room. Harry got the best bedroom out of us all, because he got inside first. I gently knocked on his door, my breathing hitched. 

"Yeah?" A muffled reply came through the door and I quietly opened it, thankful that the light was off.

"Hey Harry." I said, a smile on my face. 

"Lou? What are you-" Harry's voice stopped once he turned on the light. 

"I got in a fight." I lied, trying to look sincere. 

"Oh, do you need the bathroom?" he questioned, glancing towards it. 

"Yeah I do actually." I replied, walking over to the door and opening it without waiting for his response. That's what happens when you are really close to someone. When I turned on the light for the bathroom, I got the biggest fright of my life. My whole face was covered in blood. Stupid deer. I must have made a loud noise, for Harry asked if I was alright.

"Yeah I'm fine; I just didn't think that it would be this bad!" I called out, trying to sound like I was taking it as a joke.

"You scared the shit outta me when you walked in." Harry called back. I nodded knowingly, even though he couldn't see me. 

"I scared myself." I whispered, washing my face off in the sink. When I walked out, Harry was already asleep again, lying on his bed, half in, half out. "Goodnight, Harry." 

I left his room and made my way to my own. Once I found my oh-so-familiar door, I scampered in, closed it and collapsed on my bed. Harry must know that something is up. I can't have him know, it could put him and the rest of the lads in danger. No one must know but me, and her. When I find her that is. I shook my head and climbed into bed, not bothering to change, which I really should do considering they are probably ripped from my earlier brawl. Sighing, I stood up and walked over to my wardrobe, changing into trackies and a singlet. That'll be good enough to sleep in for tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll inspect what other damage I have to my body, I'm sure it's not too bad. 


The next morning, I woke up with the BIGGEST headache in the history of headaches. I clearly got tossed around worse than I thought last night by my Alpha. Groaning, I stood up and walked to my wardrobe, inspecting my clothes. There is rip's everywhere, all in the shape of claws. I hope to god Harry thought he dreamed everything last night. I through my favourite, now ripped up shirt back down on the floor and waked out, down to the kitchen. Food was on my mind right now, and I don't care if I have to face Harry or not. 

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