chapter three

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gah, chapter three already. Do you guys like this story so far? are you hooked on it?

give me thoughts!


(Louis' POV)

This morning, I couldn't help but wake up with a horrible feeling. I knew rogues were out there, and I also knew that Angelina was upset with me for not fully telling her what was bothering me. Her being angry at me plus outcasts who are most likely out to get her? equals me not being able to protect my mate. I can't help but feel depressed. My wolf wants nothing more but to be with her, instead, I'm here, in my bed, alone. Of course, I can't stay here forever, in 20 minutes I have to go and see Shaun, help him take over our land, help him stop them. But apparently, he needs more pack members, so I had to think of people for him to turn. He suggested the rest of One Direction, but I strongly went against it. No way was that happening. So he decided to go out and find suicidal teens, no doubt emo boys. Great. 

I got out of bed, stretched my legs and stripped down, turning into my wolf form. This is the first time I have left my room as a wolf, with all of the boys awake. Usually I leave around 4 in the morning, where they don't see me, or can't see me. This time, I get to leave at a reasonable time. I padded out of my room, sneezing as I did so and walked down the stairs. All of the boys were in the kitchen eating when I walked past, and it's fair to say that all of their mouths were hanging open. 

"Hey Lou, where are you going?" Niall asked me, patting my head softly as I walked up to him. 

"I have to fight for Angelina's life." I replied like it was nothing.

"Lina's in trouble?" Niall asked, his eyes wide. I nodded my head in response. "Then go!" I didn't need telling twice. Niall opened the back door for me and I sprinted outside, making my way to Shaun's cave. 

When I arrived, he wasn't there. Nothing was there. It was like Shaun packed up and moved. Or better worse, was kidnapped. 

"Over here, Louis. I'm training the new comer’s."  came Shaun's voice, and I followed it to the back of the cave, Shaun standing on a rock, surrounded by at least 18 other wolves. 

"Who are they?" 

"Depressed 18 year old boys who want nothing more than to find there one true love, so I turned them to help them out a little." he said, a smirk on his wolf face. Clearly all of these boys had black hair, for all of their coats were black. All of a sudden I felt very left out with my wispy brown hair. 

"Fun." I said sarcastically, walking over to Shaun. "What are we teaching them?" 

"Since you're the omega, you can help me. Now, just teach them their basic battle techniques, the ones I taught you when you were supposed to see me yesterday." Oh shit. I forgot about Saturday.

"Sorry." I apologized, hanging my head. Shaun didn't say anything, just nodded his head in acknowledgment.


The rest of the training session went well and by the time I was home, I was exhausted. The boys just smiled at me when I walked past them and I nodded back. I was too tired to talk to them about anything, so I went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed, not bothering to turn back into a human. 

"Lou?" a female voice said through my door. "The boys said that you wanted to talk to me?"

I panicked and hid in my wardrobe, still in wolf form. I heard my door open and then close and someone sat on my bed. I quickly changed back into human form, putting on some clothes. At least I was in my wardrobe and could put on some clothes... and not... scare Angelina. 

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