chapter nine

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Louis' reaction when Angie said yes ;D ---->



(Angelina's POV) 

When we finally got back home, I was in no reason to fall asleep. I was too awake. So was Louis, yet when we both fell on top of my bed, I became very tired, so did Lou. 

"Goodnight, Angel." he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. Why couldn't he just ask my already? 

"Goodnight, Louis." I replied, leaning my head on his chest, trying to get more comfortable. 


The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed and loud cursing. Climbing out of bed myself, I walked out of my room in my clothes from yesterday, then saw a very disastrous scene. 

Louis was standing in a mess of flour, butter and eggs.

"What the hell happened?!" I yelled, taking in the mess on the floor and on the boy. 

"I  wanted to make you breakfast in bed..." Lou said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"I can see that you wanted to make something." I said, walking over to him and rubbing my eyes to rid of the sleep. 

"I'm sorry." he apologized, his cheeks red.

"It's okay, this is your house as well, you don't need to apologize to me." I said to him, kissing his cheek.

"I wasn't apologizing for that, I wanted to say sorry for not getting you breakfast." 

I laughed a little before replying, "Really, it's okay. At least now, I can make breakfast with you, after I clean up this mess." I said, shaking my head at him.

"I'll help." he said, showing me his goofy grin. 

 We spent the next few minutes mopping up the floor, throwing flour at each other and finally making some pancakes. That seems to be the only thing that Louis knows how to make. When all of the batter was used, we sat down, ate together and then Lou got up and cleared the plates, telling me not to move and that he had something serious he had to talk to me about. 

"What is it Lou?" I asked him once he sat down again, taking my hands in his. 

"There comes a time in every wolf's life where he -or she- find's their mate, and not always do they accept what they are, making it unbearable to live without them, so much so, that wolf will commit suicide just to escape. Angelina Taylor, you are my mate, and you have accepted me. Now that I am finally free from outcasts and in a proper pack, I can love- like you, fully, without being worried that your throat will be ripped off. The only thing left to do, is to complete this mating process..." 

"Are you trying to formally ask me to have sex with you?" I said, trying to deter the topic away from the fact that he said the L word.

"I prefer to call it 'mating process'" he corrected, sitting up straight with a smug look on his face.

"Lou, I think you're amazing, but I'm not having sex with you." 

"Why not?" he whined, a looking of lust on his face, even though I just shot him down. I could only think of all of the things he was planning to do to my vulnerable body-

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