chapter six

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enjoy the new chapter. I hope you are loving this story as much as I am.


(Louis' POV)

I woke this morning with a heavy heart. I've finally decided to ignore Angelina until she figures it out for herself and if she doesn't, then I won't ever tell her. I can't risk that kind of pain for her. I know that my inner wolf is killing my slowly inside, but it is best for her. If Angelina does figure it out for herself, I can be with her, without the outcasts coming after me. But if she doesn't, I fear that she will leave and they will get her. Only time will tell what will happen. I only hope she will figure it out. 

"Come on Lou, get up." Liam said, opening my door and knocking on it lightly. I didn't want to get up. I just want to stay in my bed and die my slow and painful death. 


"Louis William Tomlinson. Get your ass up and just talk to her! Angelina has been going out of her mind trying to figure out what the hell you were talking about last night. First you kiss her, then pretty much leave her. Louis, what's going on?!" 

"The outcasts will come here and rip her throat out if I tell her what I am. Angelina has to figure it out for herself what I am and accept that she is my mate. If she doesn't, then I am to die slowly forever, without my mate. It's the way it has to be, Liam." I explained sadly, watching Liam's broken face. 

"But you can't just block her out like that, Liam. I thought you guys fixed this! I thought you won the fight!" Liam protested his eyes sympathetic. 

"We all thought that!" I snapped back, angry at myself, "But it just can't be fixed like that!" I continued, the tears in ym eyes. I just want this to be over, I just want my love.. "I just want to be with her, no strings attached. I just want her.." 

"Oh Louis, I'm sorry, I really am, but I don't know what to do." Liam replied, sitting on the bed next to me. 

"That's the thing. There's nothing you can do. Angelina has to figure it out for herself, I can't tell her myself or they will get her and then she-"

"I know... you've told me that. But what if you don't tell her?" he suggested, making my heart flutter. 

"W-what?" I stuttered, looking at Liam's serious face. 

Liam looked at me like I had two heads, then explained further, "what if YOU don't tell her, what if someone else accidently tells her?"

"It can't work like that. You can hint at it, but you can't tell her, otherwise they will rip out your throats as well." I explained, looking at him with a sad look. 

Liam just shook his head and walked away. I didn't know what else to do, what else to say. It's the truth, every last word, Shaun and I thought that we had the outcasts in control, but they are outcasts, no one is 'in control'. I just wish that Angelina, and the boys, would understand it. Stretching, I climbed out of bed, leaving my warm sheets, regretting it straight away. I changed, walked out and downstairs, towards the kitchen. Angelina will probably ignore me after last night, but I guess I will just have to live with it. 

"Hey Lou." I was greeted, by a female voice. 

"H-hey, A-Angie." I stuttered, her voice catching me off guard. 

"Do you want some?" I heard her ask, but I wasn't completely there. Why was she talking to me? Didn't she hate me?

"Excuse me?" I asked her, still baffled by her talking to me. 

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