chapter fifteen

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[ pst, over here... there's only a few chapters left! like... 3! omg! ] 


(Louis' pov)

The wolf that I brought back to my house took in the attention of all the boys immediately. I got lots of questions, but the only thing running through my mind was that I couldn't feel Angelina anymore. I can't feel her like I could when we mated. I wasn't... No. I'm not... no..

"Lou, mate, what's wrong" Niall asked, tearing his eyes away for the she-wolf who still hasn't changed yet. 

"I'm....I'm not mated to Angelina anymore.. She's not my mate.." I whispered, my eyes tearing up. I can’t be without her.. we were mated. We should still be mated!

"Listen to me boy, I know who did it, and I know where they are. Do you want help or not?" A females voice said, making all of us snap our heads to the source. 

There stood a tall girl, tan skin, black hair and red tips and black eyes. Her voice had a accented drawl and she looked familiar. Probably something Harry had looked at, and judging from the look in his eyes he knew who she was. 

"You're- you're that model! On t-the Mexican cover!" Harry suddenly yelled, making all of us turn to look at him and not at the naked girl. 

Liam snapped to his senses quickly before running upstairs to grab something for her to wear, only to come back with one of Harry's t-shirts, making him extremely happy. 

"Yes dipshit, I am. Now, you," she slipped on the shirt and walked over to me, pointing at me, "Stop your fucking whining about your 'girlfriend' and go and do something!" she yelled, and I flinched. 

"Listen lady, I don't even fucking know you, and I'm not going to be able to find my mate because we are no longer connected that way. I can't feel her anymore! I don't know where to find her! I've tried everything! Everything.." I whimpered, my voice broken. 

"I told you before! I know where she is!" she yelled at me, and my bottom lip quivered. 

"I don't even know you. How can I trust you?" I asked, my eyes watering. 

She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms, "My name's Rosa, yours is Louis, you're the pathetic Beta from Shaun’s pack, whereas I'm an omega for the 2nd rogues pack."

"So do you know where Angie is or not?" Niall asked, anger clear in his voice. 

"Yes I do, actually. But if you want to know, one of you," she turned and pointed between Zayn, Harry and Niall, "will have to kiss me."

"What kind of deal is that?!" I yelled, no longer sad with the loss of my mate, more angry at this random mexican girl. 

"One that I will be happy to make." Harry said, a smirk on his face as he walked towards Rosa, grabbing her in his arms and dipping her to the floor, his lips planted on hers. 

I didn't waste any more time watching the two and feeling the familiar spark you feel when you find your mate in the air, so I left. I ran outside and changed in mid-jump, my mind trying, desperatly trying to find Angelina. I could hear the pounding footsteps of a larger wolf, seeing Cadenza next to me, her looming figure towering over my tiny one. 

"You'll never find her." she purred into my thoughts, her voice taunting me.

"Yes I will. Just you watch. I'll find her." I threatened, trying to make my voice as powerful as I could. 

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