Chapter 1- I'm Not Crazy, I Just Speak Bigfoot

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This is my 2nd story on here. It is a One Direction(mainly Harry Styles) fanfic. I am still writing my first story, The Hunted, and I will still upload! I just had to put this out here because it popped into my head while I was in the shower. And normally I have my greatest ideas in the shower.... Anyway sorry for any grammar/spling mistakes... And enjoy!!

Meet You on the Ski Lift

Chapter 1- I'm Not Crazy, I Just Speak Bigfoot

I'm so excited! I finally get to go skiing after 2 long years. Me and my Dad go with some of our friends to this out of the way ski resort.

Well I wouldn't say RESORT. We don't even get TV except in the Diner in the main lodge, and even there the picture is fuzzy.

But there is no time for any that since you are skiing from 8am to 6pm. Then your to tired to do anything except sleep.

The only bad thing about this is the 8 hour drive from Oklahoma to New Mexico. I think that my butt has lost all blood flow and will have to be chopped off because I've been sitting on it for the last 4 hours.

On these long car drives I normally sleep the whole time, but that's what I have been doing for the past 4 hours.

I plug my headphones into my phone and scroll through my song list until I find my desired song.

Little Things started playing and I smiled to myself.

This is my song.

Everything about the lyrics just fits perfectly with how I think. Except I don't have a dimple at the bottom of my spine...

I drifted off to another peaceful sleep listening to angels sing.

* * *

We arrived obviously there about 4 hours later. I was still groggy from sleep when I felt my ears start to pop.

I opened my eyes and saw mountains and some goat farms... And when I looked up I couldn't see the top of the mountain.

Excellent. More snow for me to ski on tomorrow!

My stomach growled rather loudly I might say so I turned around to grab the snack bag and pulled out a Twix bar that I saved from the last gas station that we stopped at.

I popped the first half in my mouth and was thinking about how amazing the cookie, chocolate, and caramel tastes together when I was thrown forward and was chocked by my seat belt.

"Ummmm ow." I said

"Sorry I didn't want to hit the goats that appear to be from that goat farm over there." My Dad said pointing toward a big old barn that said Guy's Goats.

Well whoever this Guy is, he needs to get these goats out of the road.

"Just honk the horn and maybe they'll move." Suggested my dad's friend in the passenger seat. His name is Scott.

My dad honked the horn and the goats didn't budge.

"Annabeth get out and be Bigfoot or something. Maybe you'll scare them off then we can get going."

I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt. Great now I'm going to go scream at goats on mountain like a crazy person.

I opened my door and made the Bigfootiest noise I could make.

They just made their little goat noises back.

My little brother Ash opened his door and was making the same noise as me. The goats stared at him.

My Dad reeled down his window and made a Bigfoot noise too.

Ahhhh. Isn't my family great?

With all our Bigfoot noises together I guess the goats finally got the message. They moved to the side of the road so we could pass.

Meet You on the Ski Lift (a Harry Styles Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now