Chapter 4- Ski You Later

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Well I found time and this chapter is a LITTLE bit longer... And at some point in time I will update my other story. I just have to feel like doing it. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy.

Chapter 4- Ski You Later

As I make my way up the stairs to the diner I could hear Hilary already. I walked in and I was almost tackled by her giving me a hug.


"Let her go Hilary before you make her go deaf." I heard her twin sister Heather say.

"Well it looks like the person who I wish was actually my twin is here! Goodness it's been like what? 2 years!" She pulled me away from Hilary and hugged me.

I smiled and said,

"I understand completely, but I would rather have you guys as my siblings than Ash over there." I pointed to my little brother and he had 2 straws sticking out of his nose while he was crossing his eyes.

"Ahhhh! But your brother is SOO cute as in little kid cute!" Hilary whined.

"I could just him up. Rawr." She said and raised her hand and made it look like a claw.

Heather just rolled her eyes.

"So what's on the menu today? I am starved." I said making my way over to my brother.

He still had the straws stuffed up his nose.

"Our special is pea soup and baked potato salad. You want the usual for lunch?"


"It'll be right up." Heather said and lefties to put in my order.

"So what did someone hear that someone else was telling someone else?" I asked Hilary. She instantly lit up remembering that's why she almost made me deaf.

"Okay, they heard that ONE DIRECTION is coming here sometime this week!" She looked like she was about to faint.

"Uhhh yeah right. This is an out of the way ski resort, heck it's barely a resort! That's all the way in a different country than what they are suppose to be in! They are taking a break from their tour right now and our probably spending it with their families." I stated. They wouldn't come here. I would defiantly not get to be lucky enough for that to happen.

"Well what if it DID happen?!! That would be SOO amazing!!" She said sitting down and resting her head in her hands and looked dreamily at the wall.

She snapped out of it and asked,

"So who was that I saw on the ski lift with you?"

"No one that I know personally. His name is Harry and we just say on the lift together." I stated simply. Even though I did kind of like him...

"But you guys sat together more than once." She stated in the same tone I did.

"Who did you sit by?" Heather joined our conversation.

"His name is Harry, and we did sit by each other more than once so we could ask each other questions to learn more about one another."

"Awww that's so sweet! What did he tell you?" Hilary asked with her head still resting in her hands, and Heather leaned in.

" he doesn't live in one place right now. He's traveling all over. He's 19 and can't play any instruments what so ever, and he's single." I waved my eyebrows at the last part.

Meet You on the Ski Lift (a Harry Styles Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now