Chapter 7- The Wonderful Breakfast

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Hey! Long time no right. Sorry about that. This week was kind of crazy. To start off softball season has begun! So that means practices right after school until 5. The I have all the wonderful homework teachers give me. Then this week I got to go skiing!! One Idrection wasn't there though *sigh*. AND this chapter gives a little hint on what MIGHT happen? the ending has yet to be determined!! Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes. ENJOY!!!

Chapter 7- The Wonderful Breakfast

I woke up the next morning and I can't tell you how excited I felt.

It was my 2nd day on the slopes AND I get to see Harry again. I am defiantly a happy camper right now.

I rolled over in my bed and saw Ash in the other bed, and my Dad passed out on the futon by the furnace.

I rolled back over to look at my nightstand. It was 6:00am. The lifts open in an hour. Better get up now.

I brushed my hair, my teeth, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I look like I just rolled our of bed.

I wonder why.

I rubbed the little eye boogers out of my eyes, and started putting my hair up in a ponytail when I heard a faint knocking on the front door.

I went over, unlocked it and opened it just a crack to see who was behind it.

"Good morning." Harry greeted me.

I smiled and opened the door just a little bit more so I could see more of him.

He looked at me up and down, and I noticed that I was in some really short shorts and a baggy tshirt.

"What?" I asked starting to get a little self conscious.

"You aren't dressed really that warm. What if you get cold, and get sick or something?" He asked concern edging his voice and face.

"I get really hot. I don't think I'm going to get a cold." I said shaking my head and raising an eyebrow.

He just stared at me for another second, searching my face for something. I have no idea what he was looking for but he started talking again,

"I was wondering if you would come and join us for breakfast this morning." He said ducking his head just a little. Acting as if I was gonna say no.

"I would love to. Let me just get dressed and I'll be right over." I said.

He smiled and nodded.

I shut the door and went to get the clothes I was gonna wear underneath my ski suit.

After I finished getting ready I went to my Dad who was still on the futon and shook him.

"Mwehhhh." He groaned.

"Daddy, I'm going to go eat some breakfast. You need to get up. It's 6:15." I told him gently.

"Mmuuhhhp." He mumbled.

I'll take that as an 'Okay'.

I unlocked the door and made my way towards Harry's apartment when I overheard a conversation from a lady to doors down. She was standing outside talking to Marian, the older lady from the diner.

"That poor girl was attacked Marian! You need to stop the lift from running today, so somebody else doesn't get hurt by these animals."

Marian sighed and said,

"I can't do that, and you know it! It was ONE attack. She probably fell, hit her head and died then. Not while the animals were eating her."

"She was eaten ALIVE Marian. I should know, Im the one that found her!" The woman took a breath and continued talking after a moment,

"She had a pulse whenever I found her. She was still breathing."

"I can't do anything Darcy, im sorry." Marian said laying her hand on Darcy's shoulder.

Darcy jerked away and snapped,

"Fine. But whenever there is another attack I WILL say that I warned you." She stormed away into her gray SUV and drove away.

Marian turned toward me and just stared at me.

"Don't mention this to anyone please? The last thing we need is a panic on this mountain." She said after a minute.

"I won't." I paused and asked,

"How old was she?"

"17." Marian answered.

I shuddered and Marian walked away.

I knocked on Harry's door and it opened in less than a heart beat.

I smiled up at him trying to forget what I just heard.

Harry must have noticed something was bugging me because he asked,

"What's wrong?" With concern and worry in his voice.

"Nothing." I said just a little to quickly.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later." I answered.

He nodded and showed me to the kitchen.

He pulled out my chair again for me and I sat down.

There was only 2 plates out so I guess Lou won't be joining us.

"Milk, orange juice, or water?" Harry asked.

"Water, please." I smiled up at him.

He turned toward the fridge an pulled out 2 bottles of water, a carton of eggs and a package of maple bacon.

"How did you know maple bacon was my favorite?" I dramatically gasped and put my hand on my heart like I was about to faint.

"Lucky guess." He said winking at me.

"Seriously. How did you find out THIS time?" I asked him raising my eye brows.

He chuckled and said,

"I'll tell you later." He turned back around after placing a bottle of water on his side and a bottle of water in front of me.

He put a frying pan on the gas burner stove and flicked the switch for it to turn on.

A gas smell hit my nose and I could feel the heat radiating from the stove.

He turned and got some butter out of the fridge and cut a piece to put in the pan. It sizzled for a second then he spread it around the entire pan so that it wouldn't stick.

He got a semi concentrated face and started cracking the eggs in the pan.

He opened the cabinet right above the stove and took done some spices. I couldn't tell what they were from where I was sitting but it made the eggs smell delicious.

After another minute the eggs were done and he pulled out another pan and sat the bacon in it. Instantly it started sizzling and the room filled with the yummy bacon smell AND the delicious eggs.

My mouth was watering by the time he sat the amazingness in front of me.

I was about to throw my face on the plate and suck everything g up like a vacuum cleaner when Harry said,

"Be careful, it's hot." He said smiling at me. His dimples showed and so did his perfect teeth.

"Right." I said remembering her just got it off the stove.

After we finished eating the best breakfast if ha in a long time it was time for me to go back to my room to get ready for my second day of skiing.

As I was walking out the door Harry asked,

"So when are you going to tell me what's bugging you?"

I turned around and said,

"I'll meet you on the ski lift."

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