Chapter 14- You and I

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Chapter 14- You and I

"Partly cloudy skies today up in Northern New Mexico, but the after noon promises clear blue skies." The newscaster from the television in the cafe announced.

I sighed, stirring my hot chocolate, trying to let it cool so my mouth wouldn't burn when I attempted to take a sip.

"Annie, honey, you need to eat before you go out." Helen, Hilary and Heather's mother, said gently.

I sighed once more and looked out the window at the lift. People were continuously skiing or snowboarding down the slopes and cycling back into the lift to go up for another run. Normally on my last day I am non-stop, from being the first one on the lift and being the last rider before they closed. I look forward all year to these three short days, and now I can't enjoy the last fix of my skiing for a whole other year. I should be ecstatic, not wanting to be still for a second. Trying to make every second count. But I can't do that. Instead I'd rather be inside, in the loneliest corner in the whole cafe, (seriously, there's not even a light near this spot because NOBODY sits of here. I'm sure even the Lone Ranger wouldn't be caught sitting here) drinking hot chocolate and eating homemade chocolate pie.

All because of a stupid boy.

I can't enjoy one of the most precious things life has to offer because I'm emotionally conflicted about a boy I met two days ago. Two whole freakin' days.

Heather and Hilary were up here earlier trying to coax me into going up at least once with both of them, saying,

"We only see you once a year, and we will allow Zeus to throw his Master Bolt at you. And the electricity will fry your hair so bad you will never have a good hair day again." That last sentence was just Hilary's input, if you couldn't tell.

They finally gave up after me not responding to anything they did or said, I didn't even crack a smile when Hilary said,

"We better ski you later." Doing the 'I'm watching you' signal with her fingers.

My Dad and Ash even showed up. Being my Dad, he didn't really know what to do with an emotionally troubled teenage girl, and Ash never has any idea what's going on. My Dad just gave me a pat on the back and said,

"See you on the slopes, Shorty. If you need me to break that boys face, just say something." They left and I was alone with my thoughts once more.

The I heard the door open, the bell ringing to signify someone was either entering or leaving the cafe. I looked up and noticed a familiar dark blue winter jacket. My heart temporarily stopped as I saw the person start to take their helmet off. Brown curly hair instantly fluffed up, rejoicing that it was no longed being constricted. He flipped his hair, and when his eyes met mine I felt myself deflate in disappointment.

It wasn't him.

Why had I wanted it to be him?

What would I even say to him?

I probably won't see him again, since today is my last day.

I shook my head at the last thought. Of course I'll see him again: on the news, in magazines, and pictures. I just won't see him like I have the past few days. I won't be able to see how his teeth aren't as straight and perfect as they seem in a picture, or how the light shines perfectly off of his eyes and you can see just how deep they really are. I won't ever be able to try to count how many eyelashes he has, or run my fingers through his soft hair. I won't be able to-

My thoughts were cut short when a plate with a hamburger was dropped in front of my face and land on the table with a loud clang. I jumped from shock surprise as I looked into the eyes of an amused, but serious Helen.

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