Chapter 24: Epilogue

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Echo's POV

~4 Years Later~

As I sit on the grass of the pack cemetery, I can't help but to get lost in my thoughts. I can't help but think about everything that could have been if that tragic day had never happened.

"Was she beautiful Daddy?" My four year old son, Tímios, asks.

"Yes she was," I pull him closer to me.

"I wish I could have met her," he leans his head against my shoulder. "Do you miss her?"

"Everyday of my life," I stare at the headstone.

I don't notice that I have tears coming down my face until my little boy stands up and attempts to wipe my face with his hands. After he gets all of the tears that he can, he places a kiss on my cheek and gives me a big hug.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too," I wrap my arms around him.

We sit in a comfortable silence as I get lost in my thoughts again. The sound of a stomach growling finally breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Oops, sorry," Tímios smiles.

"It's ok bud. Let's go inside and eat."

"Ok," he hops out of my arms and begins to walk away from me.

"Don't go too far," I stand up.

"Ok, daddy," he stops at the gate and squats down, picking at the small flowers.

I smile at my innocent son, happy to have him in my life. Turning back to the headstone, I kiss my hand and place it on her name. Saying my final goodbye for the day, I turn around and head to my son.

"Want to race to the house?" I ask as soon as I reach him.

"Yeah," his eyes light up.

"Ok, on your marks, get set, go!"

Tímios takes off, running as fast as his little legs let him. I power walk slowly behind him, letting him win our race.

"I beat you daddy," he giggles.

"I know. You're a very fast runner," I pick him up, "Now, let's get something to eat."

I walk inside the kitchen and make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I pour him a glass of chocolate milk and make the same for me. I grab a tray, like one you would use to serve someone breakfast in bed, and place everything on it. Carefully, I walk upstairs with Tímios walking in front of me. When I reach my bedroom door, the sounds of giggles flood my ears.

"Mommy!" Tímios runs to Honesty and crawls into bed with her.

"Hey pumpkin," she kisses his cheek.

"Bru-bru," my three year old daughter Sophie, crawls over to him and gives him a hug.

Every time I look at my family, I can't help but to feel like the luckiest man alive. The day of Tímios' birth was an extremely hard day. Honesty's heart stopped and I almost thought that I was going to have to live the rest of my life without her, luckily, her fighting spirit kept her alive. It was also touch and go with Tímios. All the wolfsbane in Honesty system traveled to Tímios and he nearly died. That night as both my son and the love of my life fought for their lives, all I could do was cry. Once, they both were in the clear the next day, I turned my sadness into anger and I turned all of that energy on Lola. I kept her alive for weeks until Honesty was strong enough to do want she wanted to do to her. In the end, Honesty decided that she was no longer worth any of our energy and killed her.

"What you thinking about baby?" Honesty kisses my cheek, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Thinking about how your ass supposed to be on bedrest," I give her a side-eye.

"Boy," she kisses her teeth, "Shut up. Me walking to kiss my husband is not going to hurt me."

"Mmhmm, get your ass in bed," I kiss her forehead.

"Kiss my ass," she waddles back to the bad.

"Gladly," I get into bed placing the tray by the kids.

I place my head on Honesty's stomach and feel kicks coming from all directions. I give her stomach a kiss before kissing her lips.

"They missed you," Honesty rubs her belly, "How was Sophie's grave?"

"Same old, same old. Hard but freeing at the same time."

"I really wish she could've been here."

"Me too," I wrap my arms around her.

Turning towards my kids, I can't do anything but smile. To have my beautiful wife and my two kids, soon to be four, in my life right now just completes me. Knowing that my life is exactly how I've always wanted to be, I squeeze Honesty, content with my life.


Hey everyone

So this is the end of Bewere.

I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone. It means a great deal to me knowing that people enjoy my stories.

Lots of Love


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