Chapter 13: Tragedy

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"Good morning," I hear someone in my ear.

"What?" I grumble.

"Come on, it's time to get up."

"Echo, I told you to wake me up in a different way," I smirk with my eyes still closed.

"Well bitch Echo isn't here. Now get your ass up." I feel the covers getting pulled off of me.

Opening my eyes, I see Brittany standing over me. I stretch my body and get out of the bed.

"Where's Echo?" I yawn.

"He's with Sophie. He asked me to wake you up."

"Oh, ok. I'm going to go take a shower." I yawn again as i walk towards the bathroom.

I brush my teeth before I take me a nice, hot shower. While showing, i decide to wash my hair. After I am done washing up, I dry my body off and I blow dry my hair. I put my hair into two giant puff-balls, and get dressed. I put on a simple pair of jeans and a white v-neck shirt. I put on my Nike Air Force ones and I exit the room.

"Damn, took you long enough." Brittany comments as I enter the kitchen.

"I decided to wsh my hair." I get a bowl and some fruit loops down.

"Echo said after you eat, meet him in the garage." She informs me.

"Tell him I said 'ok'," I taje a spoonful of cereal and milk and place it in my mouth.

"When you and Echo are done with whatever you guys are doing, come to my room. I want to hang out together."

"Ok, I'll see you later."

Brittany leaves the kitchen and i finish eating. Once I am done, I wash my bowl and my spoon and head over to the garage. I instantly spot Echo. I come up behind him and hug him.

"Glad you finally made it," he chuckles.

"Would've been here sooner, but I decided to wash my hair," I kiss his back.

"I can tell. I smelt your shampoo as soon as you entered."

"How did you know it was me? Everyone washes their hair."

"True, but you're the only one in thjs whole pack who uses Palmer's Coconut shampoo and conditioner."

"Damn, nigga, you paying close attebtion to my shit."

"Of course I am, you're mines." He turns around and kisses my forehead.

"So, what did you want me out here for?"

"I asked you here so you can test drive your car." He grabs my hand and puls me towards my baby.

"Aww, look at him," I walk over to my car. "I've missed you so much baby."

"And here I thought I was your only baby." Echo chuckles.

"Shut up," I slap his shoulder. "Thank you so much for fixing my car." I say to Jackson.

"It's my pleasure Luna." Jackson smiles.

"You don't have to call me that, Honesty is fine."

"Will do. See you two later." Jackson says as he walks off to another car.

"Bye, and thank you again." I say to him.

"See you, man." Echo says.

"I can't believe that he's finally fixed." I hug my car once again.

"Do you want to take it out for a drive?" Echo looks at me.

"Do you even have to ask?" I look at him as if he is stupid.

Echo goes over to this wall of hooks with different keys hanging from them and grabs a set. He walks over to me and hands me the keys that ge just took down. I get in the drivers seat, while Echo slides into the passenger seat. I start the car up and put my seatbelt on and back out of the garage.

"Do you have any place in mind that you wanna go?" Echo ask as, we start riding down the street.

"I could really go for some Taco Bell right now."

"Ok, if you remember the way to the mall that day, Taco Bell is in the same area."

"Ok, cool. Good thing I actually paid attention that day." I turn on the radio.

The rest of the car ride to Taco Bell is just filled with the music from the radio. Deciding to eat inside, I park in the parking lot. We get out of the car and enter the establishment. We stand in line as we look over the menu trying to decide what we want to eat.

"Welcome to Taco Bell, what can I help you with today?" The man behind the counter asked as the person in front of us finished and we moved up.

We order our food and sit at a table and eat it. After we finish eating, we get in the car Echo gives me directions on how to get to an ice cream shop. We arrive at the place and go inside to order our ice cream. I get a cup of strawberry cheesecake and Echo gets a cup of cookies and cream.

"Do you like it?" He ask as we eat our ice cream.

"Yeah, it's really good." I put a spoonful in my mouth.

"Good. Im glad you like it. You know that this would taste so much better on your pus-" before he can finish his statement, his eyes glaze over.

"Echo," I stare at him.

"We have to go." He hurriedly gets up out of the booth that we were sitting in.

"What happened?" I follow after him.

"A rogue has attacked one of our own." He hops in the drivers seat.

"Did they say who?" I buckle my seat-belt as Echo steps on the gas.

"They wouldn't tell me they just want me to hurry up and get there." He holds onto the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles turn pale.

Going over two times the speed limit, we arrive at the pack house almost immediately. Barley letting the car come to a full stop, Echo gets out of the car and uses his wolf speed to reach the scene. Hurriedly following after him, I reach him just as we come  across everyone standing around someone. Echo and I push through the crowd trying to see what the situation was. Getting to the middle we see one of the worst things we could have ever seen. In the middle of the crowd, Tina is sitting on the ground, crying while holding what appears to be the lifeless body of Sophie in her arms.

"What happened?" Echo asks, bending down next to them, putting his hand on top of Sophie's head.

"She told me that she was going to get you two to take her to the lake, so I let her go to get you guys by herself. I didn't know that you two weren't here and I didn't expecting her to go to the woods all by herself." Tina explains through tears, hugging Sophie tighter.

"Did they catch the person who did this?" I kneel next to them.

"No, we caught the scent of the rogue, but we were more concerned with Sophie, so it got away." Brittany explains as tears run down her eyes.

I look at the small, lifeless body of Sophie in Tina's arms, and hug both of them to my body. I feel tears rolling down my face, and before i know it, my whole body is shaking from how hard I am crying. Soon after,  Echo, hugs us, and i feel his tears soaking my body. Soon the whole pack is crying over the tragic lost of the beautiful little girl that brought happiness everywhere that she went.


Thanks so much for reading.

How do you dreamers feel now that Sophie is dead?

Let me know in the comments.


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