Chapter 20: The Truth Comes Out

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"I'm going to be a father?" Echo sits down.

"Yeah, are you mad that I didn't tell you?" I sit next to him.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Yes, I was. Before the baby was born."

"I would have only been mad if you never planned on telling me. When did you find out you were pregnant?"

"Like three days after I left. When I found out I wanted nothing more than to run to you and tell you the good news, but I couldn't."

"You know I can't let you leave now, right?"

"Excuse you?" I turn my head towards him.

"I only meant that I will not allow my child to live far away from me. That's all. Of course, you can leave you're a free woman," he hurriedly says.

"Mhmm, that's what I thought."

"So," he places his hand on top of mine, "do you want to hang out tonight?"

"Uhh, no," I snatch my hand away, "just because I told you that I love you does not mean that we are back together. It's going to take a lot more than some words and taking me out to dinner for me to forgive you. Also, I'm not going to mess around with you while I'm still with Aaron."

Echo scoffs, "It's not like it matters. He's nobody."

"That's where you're wrong. In the short time that I've known him, he's become an important part of my life," I get up from my chair, "he was there for me when I was alone and he accepted me and my baby. And even though I love you, I can't and won't cheat on him. He deserves more than that."

"Ok, so go break up with him, and then we can be together."

"Have you listened to anything I've said?" I fold my arms, "I love you; yes, but I don't trust you. Me breaking up with Aaron does not mean we are back together. You have to earn my trust again."

"And how do I do that?"

"I don't know, how about not sleep with other bitches." I cross my arms.

"I'm not!" Echo slams his hands on the desk, "It was one fucking time."

"Yeah, one time too many. Like I don't know why you expect me to just get passed it. The way you were treating me after Sophie died I can get passed with a simple conversation, but not this. You slept with a bitch, who from the moment i met her didn't like me because I was your mate. And not to mention the fact that that bitch still live here!"

"What do you want me to do, kick her out?"

"No, shoot the bitch."


"You heard me, you want to earn my trust there you go. Shoot the bitch."

"Are you crazy?"

"You either kick the bitch out of the pack house or shoot her. If she lives here, she gone have to get shot."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm as serious as I have ever been."

"If i move her to a house on the property, will that work?"

"I rather the bitch move out of state," I cross my arms, "But, it's a start."

"Ok, I'll arrange it right now." Echo moves to sit in his desk chair.

"And while you're doing that, I'll talk to Aaron," I look at the door and a tear slowly rolls down my face, "He deserves so much better than this." I make my way to the door.

"I'm sorry," Echo's voice stops me in my tracks.

"You've already said that," I look at him over my shoulder.

"Not for what I've done to you," he looks at me, "but for you and Aaron. I can tell he means a lot to you and hurting him is hurting you, and for that I'm sorry. Even though I hate that some other guy has a space in your heart, I can't continue to be mad about it especially after what I did to you."

With one final glance at him, I open the door and make my way to my room. The closer I get to mine and Aaron's room, the more tears begin to leak out of my eyes. Even though I love Echo, a piece of me will always be with Aaron and it hurts me to know that I am about to break his heart, the last thing I wanted to do. I honestly believe that if it wasn't for our wolf connection, and we were humans, my love for Echo wouldn't be this strong. As I finally reach my bedroom door, I wipe my tears away from my face and slowly walk inside.

"Hey, babe." Aaron walks up to me and places a kiss on my forehead, "it seems like you've been gone all day."

"Aaron, can you sit down. I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure, what's wrong?" Aaron sits down on the edge of the bed.

"What I have to tell you is something I've been dreading, but I hope you can forgive me." I sit next to him.

"Did you cheat on me?"

"No," I look at him, "but I haven't been completely honest with you."

"Ok," he looks at me with a worried face.

"So I don't noticed if you've noticed the tension between me and Echo."

"Yeah, I have. What's up with that dude?"

"Well," I begin, "Echo is my ex."


"And he's the father of my baby."

"Do you still love him?"

With tears running down my face, I nod my head 'yes'. Aaron scoots away from me and covers his face with his hands.

"And you couldn't tell me that before I picked up and came here with you."

"I'm sorry," I look at him, "I know that doesn't help..."

"You damn right it doesn't!" Aaron angrily gets up from the bed, "I love you Honesty, and now you're telling me that you love another guy!"

"Aaron I care about, I really do, but you just don't understand how deep Echo's and mine connection goes."

"He's the father of your baby, I get it."

"No Aaron, it's so much  deeper than that. Echo is my soulmate and no matter how hard I would have tried I would always be connected to him. But that doesn't make what I feel for you any less."

"You care for me, but you don't love me," tears fall down his face.

"I'm so sorry."

"Well, I guess that's that."

Aaron begins to grab his clothes and starts to pack. As he packs I just sit there watching him. When he is finished packing he heads downstairs to his car.

"I hope you find someone who truly deserves you," I say as he enters his car.

"You know my work schedule, you can come pick up your stuff then, and leave the key when you're finished," he finally pulls out of the driveway.

As his car slowly fades away, I watch as a piece of me leaves with him. Even though my love for Echo is stronger, I can't lie to myself and say that I didn't love Aaron. It was just easier letting him and Echo, believe that I didn't love him. After all, who wouldn't fall for a man like Aaron.

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