Chapter 6: Past Affairs (part 2)

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"So," I look at Echo as we sit in the car, "are we going to get out or what?"

Echo turns to face me, " You spilled your drink in my car, so no we are not getting out at the moment."

"Oh come on, it was an accident. And I said sorry."

"I told you to get a drink with a cap on it."

"And I told you to let me use the cup holder."

"This car has only been driven twice, do you seriously think that I would let you damage the cup holders?"

"Well, now the carpets ruined. Bet you wish you would have let me use the cup holder now," I grab my purse and get out of the car.

"You are so lucky that I have money to get it cleaned," Echo slams his door.

"Even if you didn't, what would you do to me?" I ask him and wait for a response, "Exactly, nothing."

We walk into the mall, me in front and him behind me. I walk to Rue 21 and begin to pick out clothes. I then go to one of the dressing rooms and try on clothes. After I finish, we go to the register and Echo pays for all the stuff I got.

"Where to now?" He carries the bags.

"We shall see."

We continue to walk and we get to a Footlocker. We walk in and I start looking at the shoes. I find three pairs that I like and after I get the right sizes, Echo pays for them and we leave. We continue to walk and we come across a Victoria Secret. We both go in and I get new bras and panties.

"Are you hungry?" Echo asks as we walk out of the store.

"Yeah, lets go to the food court and then we can leave."

We walk to the food court and we find a table to sit at. We both decide on pizza and I order for us both, while Echo watches the bags. I get the food and take it back to our table.

"How do you like it?" Echo asks as I eat my pizza.

"It is so good. Best mall pizza ever," I say as I take another bite of pizza.

"If you think this is good, you should try Mike's. Best pizza on this planet."

"Well we have to go. You just made me want to try it."

"You have something..." Echo begins.

"Really? Where?"

"There!" He trows a crumbled up napkin at me.

"Oh, ok," I take a handful and crumble them up and throw them at him.

"It's on now," he throws more back at me.

We continue to throw napkins at each other until mall security comes by and tells us to stop. We clean up the mess we made and throw our trash away. We begin to leave when we come to the wishing fountain.

"Give me a penny."

"You don't believe in this do you?"

"No, but its fun to do," I hold my hand out for the penny.

Echo hands me a penny and I run towards the fountain. I close my eyes and say my wish before throwing my penny in the water. Just as we are about to walk away, I hear someone calling my name.

"Honesty! Aye, Honesty!" We turn towards the voice to see a man walking up to us.

"Uhh, who are you?" I look him up and down.

"It's me... Lance."

"Oh, Lance! How have you been, it's been so long," I say finally remembering him.

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