Chapter 22: Epiphany

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The sound of snores next to my ear jolt me out of my sleep. I look to my left and see Brittany asleep. Her hair is all over her face and she has a dry white patch near her mouth. This has been my morning greeting for the past week and a half. Brittany would come into my room ever night to help me out and somehow she would fall asleep here Shaking my head at her appearance, I get out of bed and head to my bathroom. I take me a nice, hot shower as my thoughts run wild. I place a rob over my body and begin to brush my teeth. After I brush my teeth, I walk back into my room. I walk silently to my bed since Brittany was still asleep.

"Wake yo ass up!" I yell in her ear.

"Ahhh!" Brittany screams and falls off the bed, "What the entire fuck, Honesty?"

"I'm sorry," I laugh, "I didn't know that your ass was going to fall off the bed. So much for wolf senses."

"Hahaha, fuck you," she glares at me, "I'm going to go see my man."

Brittany slowly gets up from the floor and rubs her butt. Still glaring at me, she leaves my room. I walk to my closet and begin to pick out an outfit. Once I knew Aaron was back at work, Brittany and I rode to his house where I gather all of my stuff and left him his key. As soon as I pick out my outfit, there is a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I say.

"It's me," I can clearly hear Echo's voice, "Can I come in?"

"It's open."

Echo walks into my room and closes the door behind him. I walk out into my room and drop my robe. I hear Echo suck in an audible breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were getting dressed." Echo turns around.

"It's not like you haven't seen this before," I bend over and lotion my legs.

"I can leave."

"It's fine," I put my underwear and bra on, "You can turn around now."

"Shit, I thought you were dressed," Echo stares.

"Why are you acting like that? I'm literally carrying your baby, you're seen this multiple times."

"Well, it's been awhile and my wolf is reacting in a way he shouldn't be."

"Fine," I walk to the bathroom.

I finish getting dressed and I walk back out. When I enter my room again, Echo is standing in his same spot. I walk over to my bed and sit down. For a few minuets we are in complete silence.

"So..."Echo begins, "Wassup?"

"You came in here," I give him a confused look.

"Right," he walks closer to me, "So I was wondering if you would like to visit Sophie's grave with me today?"

"Really, I would love that."

"Good, and afterwards, do you want to go get something to eat?"

"I'm pregnant; of course I want something to eat."

"Ok, cool," he smiles.

"You know this doesn't change anything right?"

"I know, I just wanted to spend some time with you. I know that it's going to take months for me to gain your trust back," Echo rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

I smile at him and then get up from my bed. We leave my room and walk downstairs.

"Do you want to go get some baby stuff sometime this week with me?" I break the silence that had covered us like a blanket.

"Yeah, sure," Echo looks at me, "Just let me know when you want to go."

"Ok," I smile at him.

We walk through the kitchen and out of the back door. We make the small trip to the fenced in graveyard. As we get closer to Sophie's grave, we spot a figure kneeling next to it. We get closer and we notice that it is Trina.

"I love you and miss you so much Sophie. You were like the little sister I never had," I overhear Trina say as we come to a stop next to her. "Hey guys," Trina looks at us.

"Hey," Echo says.

"Hey," I say, "I'm sorry if we interrupted you, we can come back later." I begin to pull Echo in the direction that we came.

"It's ok," Trina turns back to the headstone, "I was just leaving."

Trina leaves the graveyard with one final glance at Sophie's grave. As she slowly disappears from my view, I can't help but feel for her. She was the closet person to Sophie and losing her had to take it's toll on her.

"She comes out here everyday," Echo's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, "I used to think that I was the closet person to Sophie, but Trina had that little girl everyday, 24/7. The only time she wasn't with Sophie was when I had her."

"Yeah, I know it's got to be tough on her," I look at the word's that read are engraved on the tombstone, "Losing Sophie was tough on everyone."

Soon a peaceful silence takes over as Echo and I stand there reminiscing about Sophie. I think of the short time that we had together and how much I loved her. Placing my hand on my belly, I feel soft kicks.

"You ready?" Echo looks at me.

"Yeah," I nod my head.

"I love you Sophie," Echo kisses his fingers and places them on her headstone.

We walk out of the graveyard and walk to the garage. Echo grabs a set of car keys and walks toward a car. I instantly remember it as the car I spilled my drink in.

"I see you got the stain out," I laugh as he starts the car.

"Yeah, luckily," he pulls out of the garage and we head into town.

We go to a small diner and begin to spend some quality time together. Soon, I begin to forget his past mistakes and the love I have for him grows even more. Between the laughs and the care he shows me, by the end of the night I remember why I fell in love with him and I realize that my love is strong enough to forgive him. But, he's not going to know that. I need him to work for it some more and watch him sweat. 

"What's funny?" Echo looks at me.


"You were laughing."

"Oh, nothing," I say, "I just remembered something that Brittany had told me."

"Oh, ok," he has a puzzled look on his face. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I scoot out of the booth.

Echo leaves a tip for our waiter and goes to pay the bill. Looking outside, I realize how dark it is and it makes me notice that we spent a whole day in a diner just talking. Echo walks up to me once he is done paying and we walk outside to the car. The car ride home is peaceful and other than the low music coming from the radio, no other noise is present. We finally reach the packhouse and get out.

"You coming?" Echo asks, about to walk into the house.

"Naw, I think I'm going to go on a walk."

"I can come with you."

"No, it's ok," I stop him, "I just want some alone time."

"Ok," he says.

Turning away from him, I walk into the woods. The sound of rushing water gets louder letting me know that I was getting closer to the lake. Reaching the lake, I look up to the moon, getting lost in my thoughts.


The sound of a twig snapping breaks me out of my thoughts. I instantly get defensive and that's when the smell hits me. A rouge.

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