Chapter16: Done

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I leave the doctors house and walk back to the main house. I hear Brittany trailing behind me, but pay her no mind. Before I can open the door to the house, Brittany puts her hand over mine and begins to speak.

Instead of asking me if I was ok, like I expected her to, she says, "Do you want to be alone right now, or do you want some company?"

I smile at her, even though it doesnt reach my eyes, "Thank you." I say.

"For what?"

"Not asking if I'm ok," I give her a hug.

"Always," she hugs me back.

"But to answer your question, I would rather be alone for the rest of the night." I slowly pull away from her.

"Ok, let me know if you need anything." She walks into the house.

Walking into the house shortly after her, I begin to walk to my room. As I walk past Echo's door, it opens and out walks Becky. She has her head pointed towards the ground, so she bumps into me.

"I'm sorry," she begins to walk away.

"I guess you were right." I say before she gets too far.


"You were right, he came back to you." I turn towards her. "Congratulations you got what you wanted."

"He never came back to me," she begins to cry. "He might have came to me for sex, but he didn't come back to me."


"What?" She looks at me with tear stained cheeks.

"You deserve to have your heart broken. You deserve every bad thing that comes in your life. You're crying to me like I'm supposed to feel sorry for you when you just slept with my mate."

"I don't..."

"Shut up," I interrupt her. "I hope that Echo treats you as less than dirt, I hope he makes you feel like you will never be anything to him, but most of all, I hope you feel the pain that I felt. I hope your mate cheats on you, and not just once multiple times."

"I just wanted to be happy," she starts to cry.

"You don't deserve to be happy."

"I'm sorry."

"Fuck you and your sorry. Every bad thing that happens in your life, you deserve. Actually, I dont want your mate to cheat on you."

"You don't?"

"No, I want him to fall in love with someone else. I want him to reject you. I want him to make you feel ten times worse than I do right now." I finally go to my room, leaving her in the hallway.

I go to my closet and grab my suitcase and begin to pack. I only grab my necessities and leave the rest behind. Just as I finish closing my suitcase, my bedroom door is opened.

"Can we talk?" Echo asks as he shuts my door.

"Talk about what?" I look at him.

"Just about everything." He walks towards me.

"Ok," I nod my head. "Let's talk about how you've been treatng me like shit ever since Sophie died. Or how you ignored the fact that I was hurting too."

"Honesty-," Echo begins before I cut him off.

"Or let's talk about how you fucking cheated on me!" I angrily say as tears begin to sting my eyes, but I blink them away.

Echo sighs and runs his hands over his face. He then proceeds to walk towards me.


"No you listen, you have no idea how much it hurt me when you cheated. And I don't just mean emotionally. My heart literally fucking broke today."

"I'm sorry."

"Fuck you and your dumbass sorry. Sorry doesn't change the fact that you put your dick in another bitch. Sorry doesn't take back the fucking damage to my heart. Sorry doesn't make this any less hurtful. Your sorry doesn't mean shit to me." I say full of rage.

"I made a mistake."

"No, you made a choice. You made a choice to seek comfort in another woman. You made a choice to lay down and have sex with her. You made a choice to cheat."

"Honesty, please, I love you."

"You don't love me. If you loved me, cheating would have never crossed your mind. If you loved me, you would have talked to me about everything before you slept with someone."

"Honesty, please," Echo pleads as he walks towards me and puts his hands on my face.

"Get the fuck away from me," I push his hands off of my face. "

"Honesty, it meant nothing."

"To you," I scream. "It meant nothing to you. It meant everything to me. You hurt me like no one has ever hurt me."


"And for that, I can't stay here." I grab my suitcase.

As if finally realizing it, Echo eyes widen at the sight of the bag.

"You're not leaving," he walks over and grabs my suitcase.

"Yes I am."

"You won't get far. No matter what, you're my mate, I still have a connection to you, I'll find you wherever you go."

"See, I've already thought of that. I have a solution to where that won't happen. I'm done Echo."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean just that. I'm done. With the fighting, disrespect, and most of all, the hurting."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," I take a deep breath. "That I, Honesty Walsh, reject you, Echo Wilson, as my mate."

As soon as I finish saying it, Echo falls to the ground. He begins to hold his chest and scream in agony. Taking my chance, I use my wolf speed to grab my suitcase and get to the garage. I look at the wall of keys and instantly spot the keys to my car. I walk over to my car, but before I can open it, someone stops me from opening it.

"I can't let you leave," Brittany says. "Not without a goodbye."

Brittany pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. We dont say anything, we just embrace, letting each other know that we love and care for each other.

"I'll call you," I say as we pull away from each other.

"You better," she smiles at me with tears in her eyes.

With one final look, I open the garage and leave. The big pack house begins to get smaller as I drive further away and the silence of the car begins to become overwhelming. I turn on the radio and Sam Smith's Palace comes on. Then, and only then do I let the tears fall from my eyes.

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