Chapter 3: Sleep

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I wake up to the sound of a knock on my bedroom door.


"Can I-" a voice gets muffled by the door.


"Can I come in?" the person says louder.

"Who is it?" I yawn.

"It's me, Echo."

"Hold on," I say as I get out of the bed to unlock the door. I get back into my bed and tell him to come in.

Echo opens the door and walks in. He shuts the door behind him and walks to the edge of the bed.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Um... too early."

"It's 10:30."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"On weekends, all of my pack members get up at 8:00 and train until 12:00."

"Like I just asked, what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, technical, you are apart of the pack, so, it applies to you too."

"Well, actual. I'm not. Until you mark me, I am not part of this pack. So until, you mark me, I can do what I want," I pull the covers closer and close my eyes.

As a try to go back to sleep I do not hear him leave. Not really caring, I snuggle up in the covers. After a minute or two, I feel the blanket getting pulled off of me. I turn my head and look at Echo.

"Let's go," he looks at me.

"Ok, let me get ready," I move from my spot.

Echo smiles, thinking that he won, and walks out of my room. As soon as he leaves, I lock the door, and grab my blankets and pull them over me and I fall asleep.

About three hours later I wake up. I go into my en-suite and take a shower. After I dry off, I brush my teeth. I then change into a gray hoodie crop top, black skinny jeans and my gray Adidas. I put my hair into a high pony tail and grab my phone before I leave my new room. I walk downstairs and try to find my way to the kitchen. It does not take me long to find the kitchen and I decide to get something to eat.

"Glad to see that you are finally, awake," Echo says as I enter.

"Yeah, I had a great sleep, though it was disturbed at one point," I smile as I open the fridge. "Other than that, it was a great sleep."

"I bet it was," he sits on a bar stool behind the kitchen island. "What are you making?"

"Just a grilled ham and cheese sandwich," I get out everything I need. "Would you like one?"


I take a small skillet and put it on an eye. I turn the eye on and I put butter in the skillet. While the butter is melting, I assemble our sandwiches.

"Can you make me a glass of orange juice, please?"

"Yeah," Echo gets up and pours both me and him a glass. "Since you missed training this morning, I have arranged a get together, so you can meet the rest of the pack."

"Ok, what time will it start and where will it be?"

"It starts at five and it is going to be in the backyard."

"Ok, I will definitely be there," I take our sandwiches out. "Would you like yours cut diagonally?"

"Naw, I'm good, thanks."

I give him his plate and I take mine. We both sit down on the black bar stools and eat our sandwiches and drink our orange juice.

"So, where's my car?" I ask as soon as we both are done eating.

"In the garage."

"Can you take me to it? I have to fix it."

"Yeah, I can take you to it, but you don't have to worry about fixing it, I have someone working on it."

"Oh, thanks."

Echo gets up from his seat and begins to walk in the direction of the garage, at least that's what I'm assuming. I get up from my seat and I begin to follow him. Along the way, we pass through the massive living room. Sitting down are three people. Two males and one female.

"Hey, everyone, this is Honesty," Echo says.

They all say some from of greeting to me and I do the same. We don't talk for long since the party thing is tonight and Echo continues walking as I follow him. Soon we reach a door, which I'm guessing is the way to the garage. He opens the door and I see rows and rows of cars and trucks. Some are brand new and others are old.

"How many of these do you own?" I look at all the amazing cars.

"Well, I only own two. The rest belongs to various members of the pack," he explains to me.

"Wow," I exclaim.

"Here is your car," Echo stops in front of my car.

"Hey, I'm Jackson and you are?" a dude comes out from under my car.

"Oh, I'm Honesty," I shake his hand.

"Are you the owner of this car?"

"Yes, I am. I would like to know what wrong with it."

"Well, right now, your fan belt is messed up and soon, you are going to need a new motor," Jackson wipes some grease off of his head with a rag.

"How much is that going to cost?" I ask.

"Well, it's going to be about-" Jackson begins.

"Don't worry about it," Echo cuts him of. "Whatever it cost, I will pay for it."

"No, it's ok, I'll pay."

"I said that I was paying," Echo growls at me.

"But I have the money-"

"I don't care if you do, like I said, I am paying and that's final."

"And how are you going to stop me?"

"Jackson, do not take Honesty's money whatsoever. When you need to pay for something, get the money from me."

Jackson bows his head, "yes, Alpha."

"I can't believe you," I growl at him.

I turn around and head back the way that we came. I walk in the house and go up the stairs to my room. I fall onto my bed and turn the TV on. I flip through the channels until I get on MTV2. I watch reruns of Wild N' Out until I hear a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I shout.

"It's Brittany. Can I come in?"

"What do you want?" I open the door.

"I just want to talk," she smiles at me.

"Why, we don't like each other."

"Well, we both were being a bitch at the time when we first met, so I figured that maybe when we weren't being bitches, that we could maybe get along."

"I don't have anything else to do, so come on in," I open the door wider so she can come in.

Brittany and I talk for a long time. We realize that we have a lot in common and I think that we are going to be really good friends.


Hope you all are enjoying the story

Thanks for reading.

Sweet Dreams. 😻😻💤💤

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