Chapter 23: Trespasser

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"Who are you?" I say into the woods. "What do you want?"

"Stupid ass branches," I hear a man's laughter.

Soon a figure comes from behind a tree. He seems to be about 6'5 and is of average built. His hair and part of his face is covered by a hood.

"What do you want?"

"I don't want anything," he remarks.

"Then what are you doing here? And how come I can barely smell the rogue sent on you?"

"I'm here for a job. And as for why you don't smell rogue on me, you have one of my pervious clients to thank for that."

"Well," I say, wondering how I'm going to get out of this situation.

"Well what?" A small smirk appears on his face.

"I think it would be best if I go back home." I begin to slowly walk backwards away from him.

"And, I think it would be best if you just stayed here," he moves closer to me.

Before I can break out into a run, he shoots me in the leg with a dart. I instantly feel my leg go weak and I begin to loss my balance. I fall on the ground and try to turn into my wolf, but for some reason, I'm not strong enough.

"Wolfsbane," I say, already knowing what I was just shot with.

"Of course," he walks over and kneels next to me, "I always come prepared."

"What do you want?" I weakly ask.

"It's not about what I want, it's about what my client wants."

"And what does your client want with me?" I try to buy some time to regain some of my strength.

"You'll know soon enough," he says before stabbing me in the leg with a needle.

As more wolfsbane enters my body, I can only think of my baby. Instantly, I know exactly what to do.

"Echo. Help," I say through my mindlink connection.

"What's wrong? Where are you?" he quickly responds back.

"I'm by the lake. Hurry, there's a..." My mindlink is broken before I can finish my sentence.

"Tsk, tsk," the man waves a finger in my face, "let's not use our mindlink."

"Let me go." I say weakly.

"I can't do that."

"Then do whatever it is you came here to do."

"Unfortunately, I cannot. My client request was to finish the job themselves. But it really does seem like they're taking their sweet time."

"You're not going to get away with this."

"On the contrary, I think I will," he quickly turns around and shoots into the woods, "nice of you to join us Alpha."

Just then Echo comes behind the trees. He charges towards the unknown man, but before he can reach him, the man shoots three more darts at him. This causes Echo to fall to the ground. The man the walks over to him and shoots him with another dart.

"Stop," I scream, "you'll kill him."

"I won't. See, that's the one detail my client especially made clear, I unfortunately cannot kill him, However, they did not say that I couldn't harm him."

"You will pay for this," Echo growls.

"I doubt it," the man squats next to Echo, "I have pumped both of your bodies with enough wolfsbane, that neither of you can use your mindlinks. I am also able to cover my scent quite well. Only one person knows that we are out here and that's my client. If only they would hurry the hell up."

Just then we hear a rustling in the woods. The man quickly turns around ready to fire his dart gun again.

"Wait!" a familiar voice says. "It's me."

Out from the shadows walks Lola. I instantly remember her as the girl from the party my first day here. 

"You bitch," I scream, trying to get up.

"Why the fuck would you do something like this Lola?" Echo screams.


"Answer me!" Echo yells, using the little bit of strength he has left to use his alpha tone.

"Because I love you. I have always been in love with you. And you just leave me for her," Lola says.

"She's my mate. What the fuck do you expect?"

"I expected you to reject her like I rejected my mate. I loved you more than anything and I would do anything to be with you. I found my mate two years ago and I rejected him, because you have my heart. But she, came into the picture and ruined our happy ending."

"Lola, it was just sex, nothing more between us," Echo says.

"No, it was more. She was supposed to be gone way before today, but unfortunately, Sophie went out that day." Lola explains.

"You had him kill Sophie?!" Echo says with so much rage that it scares me.

"No, he wasn't supposed to kill her. I knew you loved her, she just got in the way," Lola shakes her head.

"I'm going to kill you." Echo huffs out.

"You don't mean that. You're hurt right now. I get that. You love me, just as much as I love you," Lola then reaches behind her and pulls out a gun, "But she has you fooled into believing that you love her, and for that, for taking my love away from me, she has to die."

The next thing I hear is the sound of the gun going off and then a soaring pain in my stomach.

"No, my baby!" I shout as I hold my stomach, trying my hardest to stop the rushing of blood.

"No!" Echo shouts, and with an unknow strength, he gets up and pushes Lola and the man into a tree, knocking Lola unconsious and making the man lose his breath.

Echo comes over to my side and puts pressure on my open wound. I look into his eyes and I notice he is mindlinking. Another shoot is fired, I close my eyes tightly expecting to feel another pang of pain. When I don't feel pain, I open my eyes. I see that the man was holding his chest on his knees. I notice that Damon is holding a gun and Brittany is putting Lola in chains.

"Ahh!" I scream as a new wave of pain hits me.

Echo picks me up bridal style and runs to the pack doctor's house. The closer we get to the house, the weaker I feel. Slowly, my eyes begin to droop.

"Baby, please stay awake," Echo pleads, "I can't lose you."

"Promise me. If you have to chose between me and our baby, chose our baby," I say as he places me on a bed.


"Promise me."

"I promise," he kisses my forhead as the doctor rushes to my side.

"Thank you," I say as everything goes black.


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