Chapter 2: Mr. Alpha

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I look into the eyes of the person who has just said that. We stare at each other for a minute or two. My purple eyes to his forest green ones.

"Well," I break eye contact with him. "You must be the alpha."

"Yes, I am. I see that you have meet my betas."

"Yes, I have. So... we're mates," I say awkwardly.

"Yes, we are, but I still have to ask you a few questions. Brittany, Damon, please leave us."

"Yes, Alpha," Damon grabs Brittany's hand and walks out of the door.

"What's your name?" He asks as soon as the door is closed.

"Honesty, you?"

"Echo. Why were you on my territory?"

"My car broke down and I needed somewhere to sleep. I'm kinda wishing that I would have just slept in my car."

"You're a rouge," he states. "Usually, I would kill a rogue because they only come around to cause trouble. You and maybe about three others, that I have came across, are just passing through."

"That is all that I was doing. I wasn't planning to attack or anything, just going somewhere."


"That's a question that does not have an answer. I do not a have destination in mind, I just go wherever the wind blows me."

"How did you become a rouge?"

"You just get right into it don't you," I rub my head.

"Yeah, I do. So..."

"When I was born, I had a wonderful mom and dad. They were great and we had lots of fun together. One day. when I was sixteen, my dad went on a mission and he came back almost dead. He would have died earlier but he used what little strength he had to say goodbye to me and my mom. My mom and I got to say our final goodbyes before he passed," I shut my eyes tightly to keep the tears at bay. "A day later my mother was dead due to a broken heart."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It happened a long time ago so I'm good."

"Why didn't you stay in the pack that you were in?"

"Well, after both my parents died, I couldn't stay in that pack with all of the memories that I had. But the Alpha said that I am welcomed to come back anytime that I like."

"What pack is this?"

"What, you don't believe me?"

"You're a rouge, so not really."

I roll my eyes, "It is the Dark Hollows pack."

Echo gets up from his chair and goes to a bookshelf. He takes out a big phone book and sits back down. He opens the book to the letter D and begins to look for the number to get in contact with the Alpha of the Dark Hollows pack. Once he finds it, he dials the number.

"Hello. This is Alpha Echo of the Shadow Pack. I would like to speak to Alpha..." he looks at me.


"Alpha Wayne. Yes, I'll hold," Echo looks at me for a minute. "Hello, Alpha Wayne? This is Alpha Echo of the Shadow Pack. Did you ever have a girl named Honesty..."


"Honesty Walsh, staying at your pack? Yes, yep, ok, thank you. Bye."


"Your story checks out."

"Told ya. So can I leave now?"

"I can't let you do that."

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