Part 49

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We slept through the entire night because I had  jam packed day so I was tired. I had today off so I didn't have to worry about getting up early so I woke up at 8:30 and Dally was still asleep. I got up and turned on Van Halen because honestly I've been listening to them quite a lot and I'm not mad about it. I was making mickey mouse pancakes for Sofia since it was a Saturday. "Ah yeah beautiful girls!" I said dancing. A few minutes later I felt a presence behind me. "I've got it bad got it bad! I'm hot for teacher." Dally sang behind me. "You better not be hot for a teacher!" I said putting the last pancake on a plate. "I-" He started to say. "Well why don't you go get her pregnant then!" I said rolling my eyes. "I already did." He said. "Oh. Um-" I said trying to figure out if I was mad or if I wanted to get into the fetal position and cry.  "It's you babe!" He said trying to hug me. "You teach interns and I got you pregnant!" He said wrapping his arms around me. "Next time say that so I don't cry!" I said said tearing up a bit. "Hey. Hey. Don't cry. I love you and only you." He said pulling my face up.
"I'm gonna go see Juliana! You can come with me if you want!" I said grabbing my purse. "I'm coming!" Dally said putting his shoes on. "But I'm driving." He said with an evil smile. "Then I get your coat." I said putting his jacket around me.
"Are you up for visitors?" I asked knocking on the door. "Come in! Come in!" She said holding her baby. "Are you happy?" I asked sarcastically. "Be nice!" Dally said covering my mouth. "Get away." I said biting his hand. "What's going on with your mood today?!" Juliana said sassy. "I don't wanna talk about it." I mumbled. "I said I was hot for teacher and that I got one pregnant." Dally said shaking his hand. "DID YOU SERIOUSLY?!" Juliana whisper yelled. "No! Of course not! I was referring to her!" He said face palming. "Ohhhh. You dingbat!" Juliana said looking at me. "Give me the baby." I said. "He has Draco's bleach-blonde hair!" I said bouncing up and down. "I have some work to do." I said giving the baby back. "What's his name?" I asked her. "Scorpio." Juliana said. "Aww." I said walking out of the room.
"Hey Amelia! Who's Addison Montgomery?" I asked her. "Well she married your father and then cheated on him but she's an amazing person." Amelia said. "She's a really good OB I've heard. But she's in L.A. and I'm in Seattle." I said. "Yeah well. She knows you exist! But it's your day off go home!" She said pushing me towards Dally. "Ready?" He asked putting his arm around me. "I'm still slightly upset but this is giving me flashbacks of Mark." I said remembering how he walked me out of out first "date." I let out a shaky sigh. "All my friends are dead." I said pulling myself into Dally's chest. "It's okay. It's okay." He said running his fingers through my hair.


"We should go on a cruise!" I said looking at Carnival on my laptop. "When?" Dally asked sitting on the couch eating chips. "Probably sometime after I give birth. I don't think that a newborn on a cruise would be a good idea." I said scrolling through the website. "And we should have the gang go." I said thinking. "They don't have enough money." Dally said. "I can pay. I'll pick up extra hours." I said. "If it's what you want." Dally said. "I'll book it when it gets closer." I said closing the laptop.

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