Part 9

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I woke up and went downstairs to be greeted by everyone. Geez there are a lot of people living in this house. "I heard what you did Y/N." My dad said grabbing an advil. "Oh..." I said glaring at Lexie and Mark. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" He said examining my face for any changes. "No but his nose is broken..." I said hoping not to get yelled at. "Atta girl!" Karev, George, Mark, and my dad said. "She learned it from me!" My dad said. "No it was from me!" Mark said. I love them and all but sometimes they are a little much. I grabbed a adult beverage from the fridge and started drinking it. "Are you serious Y/N!" My dad yelled. "New interns, crazy ex's and Hunt." I said shrugging and taking a drink. "Y/N you can get a ride with me." Lexie said grabbing her coat. "Thanks Lexie!" I said grabbing mine while Mark kissed Lexie's forehead. Time for new interns and crazy exes!


When we got to the hospital I ended up in an elevator with Mark and Jackson. "Mark can you look at my nose?" Jackson asked. "Nope you deserved it." Mark said laughing which caused me to chuckle. "What are you laughing about!" Jackson turned to say that to me. "How you got beat up by a girl." I said laughing. That comment made Mark almost fall on the ground laughing. "Just wait Y/N. Just you wait." Jackson said giving me a hatred look. "Watch it Avery. You lay your hands on her I will make sure you are fired." Mark said sternly. He just turned back around and the elevator doors opened for him. "I think we are on the same floor. He's not going to lay a hand on you Y/N. I'm going to keep an eye on him." Mark said crossing his arms. "I'll be fine Mark. If I do need you while you are on that name I'll ask for you." I said while the elevator doors opened. "Promise me that I can't have a hurt niece." Mark said walking out with me. "I promise now go to work!" I said running to my mom's room. "Hey mom!" I said sitting in a chair. "Hey Y/N! How was your date last night?" She asked me. "Amazing. He's a really good guy." I said smiling. "Good! Did anything happen?" She asked me. "No! But at home I met his friend Soda who is dating April and ended up breaking Avery's nose!" I said. "You WHAT!" She said seeming upset. "He swung at me but missed so I swung back." I said shrugging while looking at my hand. It was red, swollen, and bruised. "Crap mom I got to go get the checked out." I said walking out. I paged Callie. She arrived in the lobby a few minutes later and checked out my hand. "Oh come on Y/N!" She said wrapping it. "No surgeries until tomorrow." She said putting ice on it. Then we heard talking coming from behind us. "She actually broke Avery's nose!" I heard someone say which caused us to turn around. "Doctors?" I asked. "We are your interns!" The one who was just talking said. "Ah okay!" I said. I gave each of them a patient besides the one who was talking the most. "Okay you're going to help me. What's your name?" I asked taking the ice off. "Dr. Juliana." She said. "Okay Dr. Juliana I want you to go get Sloan." I said. "Right away." She said running off

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