Part 50

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8 months later

It was the day of Juliana and Draco's wedding. I was the maid of honor of course. Some guy named Theo Nott walked me down the isle because he was Draco's best man. All of the bridesmaids were dressed in a dark green dress and they men were dressed in a dark green tux. Theo kept looking at me while we were walking down the isle and it was kinda weird because it wasn't my husband. While we were standing up there too he kept staring at me. I looked at Dally who was eyeing Theo. Finally Juliana walked down. I think Draco stopped breathing for a minute. "Breathe Malfoy! Breathe!" I said. "Finally it took you forever." I said to Juliana. "Shut up Winston. It takes time to look this good." She said sassy.


Everything was going great. We had just gotten a slice of cake when I turned and saw Dally just staring at his cake. "Everything alright?" I asked him. "Just grand." He said sarcastically. Suddenly Theo came up to me. "Hey! I just wanted to make sure that you know that I was not eyeing your wife." He said pointing towards the ring. "Its beautiful by the way. I just wanted to compliment you that your makeup looks fantastic and your baby bump looks stunning in that silky green dress." Theo said. "Excuse me?!" Dally said all defensive. Very hot. "Like you said we're married." I said. "Oh hunny." Theo said doing the hand thing. "Oh my gosh!" I said covering my mouth. "What?!" Dally said confused. "He's gay." I whispered in his ear. I could see the tension fall off of Dally's face. Theo walked away and sat by Draco.


As I was taking a bite out of the slice of cake I had I felt water fall down my legs. "You've got to be kidding me." I said softly. I was determined to finish this beautiful cake before I let anyone know that my water just broke. "Oh um Juliana. Sorry to you know ruin your day but I'm positive my water just broke." I said wiping the icing off my chin. "Ruin? Please this made it better! Did you make sure to finish your cake before you leave?" She asked. "Who do you think I am?" I said laughing. "Can you be in the delivery room? I'm positive Dally is going to pass out." I asked. "Yeah! I'll be there when everyone leaves." She said. I turned to Dally and told him that my water just broke and he was in a panic. "Babe! Calm down! Finish your cake then we can go." I said grabbing his hand. "I don't really care for it." He said standing up. "Alright then." I said standing up as well. "I'll see you in a few minutes!" I said to Juliana before walking to the car.


I had just gotten checked by the OB and I was 5 centimeters dialated. "Hey. Dallas. Wanna switch spots?" I said making a face in pain. "Y/N?" My dad said at the door. "What happened?!" He asked coming in. "I'm in labor moron!" I slightly yelled at him. "I'll go tell your mom!" He said running out of my hospital room. "Try not to pass out today please." I said grabbing Dally's hand. "Okay." He said holding my hand.


I was ready to start pushing when Juliana finally came in. "I could've had a baby! It took you so long." I said in a lot of pain. "Okay Dr. Winston. I'm Addison Montgomery. Ready to have a baby?" She said snapping a pair of gloves on. "I've read so much about you!" I said trying to be quiet. "It doesn't hurt that bad!" Draco said. Every woman in the room glared at him and Juliana slapped him. "He deserved that." Dally said trying to make me laugh. "Dang right he did." I said looking at him. "You are 10 centimeters dialated so ready to start pushing?" Addison asked me. I just nodded my head furiosly. "Girl you ain't doing nothing!" Juliana said in my face. "Why did I let her in here." I sighed.


A few minutes later I had a baby. "Congratulations! It's a girl!" Addison said handing my the baby. Juliana, Dally, and I all had tears running down our faces. "She's perfect." Dally said kissing my forehead. "What's her name?" Draco asked. "Me and Dally both agreed on Lexie Brook." I said with a smile. "Malfoy! Go tell my parents." I said sending him out of the room. "I heard you guys are going on a cruise soon." Juliana said as I handed Lexie to Dally. "I'll get a room on that cruise as well." Juliana said. "Someone has seperation anxiety." I said. "No. It's a family vacation!" She said. Then my mom came in with her newborn along with Zola and my dad. "Who's this little guy?" I asked. "His name is Bailey. Who's this?" She asked. "Her name is Lexie." I said with a weak smile. "Can I hold her?" My dad asked Dally. "Of course!" Dally said handing Lexie to my dad. "Let's see the beautiful girl!" Amelia said walking in with Alex, Jo, Draco, Callie, and Arizona.

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