Part 3

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I had to work at noon but I got up at 9. "Hey there sleeping beauty!" Alex yelled at me. I flipped him off and walked to the kitchen for cereal. "Someone's fiesty in the mornings!" Alex said from the table. I noticed he had the cereal and milk so I grabbed a bowl and a spoon and plopped down next to him. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked. "Don't have to go in 'till noon." He said studying the cereal box. "Same. Save gas?" I said as my way of asking to get a ride with him. "Well save water too." He said. "Alex Karev!" I yelled. "Karev that's my daughter!" My dad yelled and came in the room and slapped him on the back of the head. "Relax. I wouldn't do that!" He said rubbing the back of his head. "You never answered my question." I said. "Of course Y/N." Alex said. I got up to get a beer. "Again Y/N?!" My dad asked. "It's going to be a long day dad." I said taking a swig.


When me and Alex got their I was on Callie's service. I love when I am  on Callie's service she basically lets me reposition all the bones. "Wait 'till you see this case." She said as we entered the room. I looked at the chart and started to read it off. "Dallas Winston, age 22, came in with multiple leg trauma's from being run over." Both of his legs were completely broken in half. "His legs are broken to the point were we are going to have to perform surgery." She said trying to hide her smile. "I am going to go get the x-rays and Dr. Y/N I am asking you to stay in here and finish your paper Dr. Sloan asked you to write." She said with a wink. I don't have a paper Sloan asked me to write. My mouth fell open. She set me up! She then left and closed the door. I didn't know what to do so I looked at his charts. "Aren't you supposed to be writing a paper?" He said. "Yeah well I don't have a paper to write." I said still in shock. "Well you can always talk to me." He said with a smile. Gosh he was cute. No! No! I can't gain feelings for a patient. "Well what do you want to know?" I asked him returning the smile. Then I saw my dad walk by. I hope he doesn't see me. He walked up to my mom and said to meet her in the on-call room . My face had disgust written all over it. "You okay there doc?" Dallas asked me. "If watching your dad tell your mom to meet in a room to have sex is okay then yes." I replied making eye contact with him. He looked at me with disgust. "Wait so your telling me that you work with your mom and dad?" He said. "And my whole family." I said back to him. A smile grew on his face. "So how was that doctor related to you?" He asked. "Well Dr. Torres is my bestfriend and the baby momma to my dads bestfriend." I said thinking about Sophia. "So you are surronded in family." He said amazed. "Yeah pretty much."I said followed by a soft sigh. "You must have a boyfriend or husband that works here too." He said. Then George walked by and Dallas pointed at him. "I saw how you were talking and laughing with him earlier." He said. "Dr. O'Malley?!" I said shocked about anyone thinking me and George were a couple. "No way. He is my moms bestfriend!" I said with a laugh. "So you aren't dating anyone in the hospital?" He asked. "Nope. Or outside the hospital." I said a bit sad. I knew Callie was standing outside. "That's crazy man." He said with a bit of a laugh. "Not really." I replies. "You are one of the most stunning girls I have ever seen and you don't have a boyfriend." He said shocked. "I've never been on a date or had my first kiss." I said with embarrasment. "Well how about this." He said. "After your shift is over then we can have dinner?" He asked. I was shocked. "I can go grab some Joe's after my shift. It is just across the road." I said. "Sounds like a date!" He said with a wink. Then Callie came in and tried to make it look like she wasn't listening to over conversation. "Okay Dallas. I have an opening at 2:00pm if you would like to take it." Torres said. "Only if Dr. Y/N was working then I'll take it." Dallas said. "I am working at that time." I said with a smile. Just then the news said that there was a ferry boat crash and our pagers went off.

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