~ Mitsuri Kanroji ~

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𝗠𝗶𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗶 𝗞𝗮𝗻𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗶

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𝗠𝗶𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗶 𝗞𝗮𝗻𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗶

omg omg omg i'm so sorry it's been so long i legitimately forgot about this book i'm so sorry pls take my darling mitsuri as an apology and for the person who requested her!! also, i haven't edited this yet so if u see any mistakes, pls let me know!!!

( ! Hope you enjoy ! )

Third Person Point of View
"Hello (Your Name)-chan! it's me, Mitsuri!" The cheery love pillar called out as she waved happily towards the (hair color)-haired with a (favorite color) nichirin-blade attached on her hip. "Hm? Oh, hey Mitsuri-san." (Your Name) replied with a gentle smile, causing said pillar to blush heavily and admire the young (hair color)-haired slayer.

"Want to-want to go get some Sakura Mochi with me and Shinobu-san, now?" Mitsuri stuttered out as she fiddled with her fingers to help keep her anxiousness level low. "Hm? Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun!" (Your Name) responded with a more cheery tone, batting her eyelashes as Mitsuri struggled to breathe from all the cuteness (Your Name) was emitting. "Kya~! You're adorable as ever, (Your Name)-chan! Come on, let's go!" Mitsuri squealed as she excitedly grabbed the (hair color)-ette's hands and rushed over to the Butterfly Estate which would only be a few miles away from where they previously stood.

- Small Time Skip -

Full of adrenaline, Mitsuri swung open the gates of the Kocho Mansion, and ran past the kakushi with a sweating (Your Name) right besides her. Unluckily, walking in the same direction, was the pretty tsugoku, Kanao Tsuyuri. She looked as though her eyes were fixated on something that seemed up far ahead,

that, orrrrrr she was just in a day-dream

And it was most likely the second option, because she didn't even notice the two about to hurdle straight into her. Mitsuri was too giddy to realize she was about to run over the poor girl, and (Your Name) watched in horror and slight pity as she suddenly let go of Mitsuri's hand, watching her as she stumbled right into the young tsugoku. Kanao let out a small gasp as their bodies collided straight onto the floor.

They sat there for a few moments registering what the hell just happened, and Mitsuri grew red from embarrassment. Attempting to get off of Kanao, she put both of her arms on the ground and tried to push herself up, resulting in her falling right back down as her legs were stuck under Kanao's.

With a pained grunt, Mitsuri launched herself off of the young girl once more, pulling both of her legs up with her as the young Tsuyuri let out an awkward 'yAaH' in response.


had been flipped...

by that small action...


"KYAA!!! I'M SO SORRY TSUYURI-CHAN, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Mitsuri shouted, her hands covering her face that was still a bright red from the earlier and current embarrassment. Hoisting herself up from the ground, Kanao blankly stared at the Love Hashira and her fellow companion, and gave a small 'hm.'

"Ara Ara, what was all of that noise I heard earlier about?" Shinobu questioned as she announced herself, looking at Kanao in a ahort silence before making a hand-gesture and nod that signified she could leave. Bowing almost robotically, Kanao took her leave and walked back inside the safe corridors of the Butterfly Estate.

"Wahhh, Kocho-sama!!" Mitsuri sobbed, "I promise it was an accident! Please, forgive me!" Pleading as if her life were on the line, she gripped Shinobu's haori tightly. Soaking it with her tears as (Your Name) struggled to hold in her laughter besides her. "Hm? Kanroji-chan? What is it that you've done that you require my remission? Perhaps something completely unforgivable?" Shinobu teased, winking slyly at the (favorite color and pattern) haori-bearer in front of her who was practically choking from the pent up laughter.

"Huh? WAHHH, NO!! I PROMISE I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING REALLY BAD, KOCHO-SAMA YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!" Mitsuri's tears flowed down in an even greater amount, finally causing (Your Name) to laugh out loud which sounded almost like painful screeching. Shinobu gave a light chuckle and patted the head of the Love Hashira.

"There, there. I was only having some small fun with you. I saw the entire thing, and it was just a small mishap, no need to beg me for forgiveness." Shinobu comforted reassuringly, with Mitsuri nodding in response. "Alright, since I didn't get to properly greet you two, Hello (Your Name)-chan. Hello, Mitsuri-chan. Let's go have the mochi I bought from the market now, shall we?" Mitsuri smiled and stood up from the ground excitedly, and (Your Name) waved to the Insect Hashira as they all began to walk towards the entrance of the ever-so-famous Butterfly Mansion.

Arriving into the neatly set up room, the three girls took a seat down on the floor on soft and comfortable bedding. Low and behold, the delicious mochi that Shinobu bought was placed nicely on a glass plate resting on a small wooden tray in the middle of their beddings. Blushing hysterically, Mitsuri said 'Thank You!' and began stuffing the sweet treats roughly into her mouth. She swallowed them up, and squealed adorably as she reached out for more, with her hand being slapped away by the (hair color)-ette as she gave a small pout.

"Hey, save some for us, Mitsuri-san! We're hungry for some mochi, too!" (Your Name) said, taking a (favorite flavor mochi) into her delicate hands and placing it directly onto her tongue. Mitsuri watched in an odd silence as (Your Name) ate her delectable, with some of the ice cream stuck on the corner of her mouth. Unaware of that fact, (Your Name) happily continued chewing on the mochi, licking her fingers once finished.

Shinobu staid quiet, and so did Mitsuri. The silence almost suffocating considering how eerie the vibe became.

Shinobu glanced at Mitsuri and then at (Your Name) and then back to Mitsuri, motioning with her hands to go closer to the (eye color) eyed sweetheart. Mitsuri shut her eyes harshly, with a layer of blush coating her cheeks nicely. She scooted closer to the girl, and leaned (up/down depending on your height difference) to (Your Name)'s face, softly kissing the corner of her mouth.

(Your Name) sat there frozen and in a state of shock. Not moving even a little bit as Mitsuri licked the (mochi flavor) ice cream off of her, with Mitsuri's eyes still shut tight. Shinobu snickered to herself in an amused manner, quietly excusing herself and exiting the room.

"I-I uhm..." (Your Name) stuttered, awaking from the trance that the kind and loving Mitsuri Kanroji had placed her into unconsciously. "That... That was... really good mochi, (Your Name)-chan..." Mitsuri flirted cutely, her beautiful lime irises focused on the talented and incredible (breath name) user. (Your Name)'s eyes softened, and she placed her (slim/short) fingers onto Mitsuri's chin; Forcing the Love Hashira to gaze deeper into her eyes.

"(Your Name)-chan... thank you... for everything," Mitsuri muttered, as said girl only smiled and gave a soft kiss onto the plump lips of the girl she'd been crushing on for god knows how long. Mitsuri's face, if even possible, grew a crimson red. Her ears, nose, and cheeks, all reddened by the small action of the one and only (Your Name) (Last Name).

"I love you, (Your Name)-chan! Please... please... marry me... and be with me forever! Or atleast... in our next lives, let me be by your side for as long as we possibly can!" Mitsuri broke apart the kiss, asking but a simple thing that the (eye color)-hued girl planned on doing from the beginning of their friendship.

"Of course, Mitsuri-san! I'd walk through hell and back just for you to stay happy and by my side... for as long as our souls live on... I would absolutely love for you to be my bride!"

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