~ Muichiro Tokito / Valentines Special ~

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𝗠𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗶𝘁𝗼

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𝗠𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗶𝘁𝗼

( i was gonna post this a LONGG while ago but i got hung up on something and then i completely forgot i even had this book 💀 i hope u guys are safe and doing well, and happy late valentines day !! and i'm really sorry that this is short :( )

hope you enjoy the chapter !

Third Person Point of View
Twigs, leaves, branches, and flowers decorated the grassy flooring of the earth in the garden behind (Your Name)'s house. Said girl was currently placing a thick, fluffy, (favorite color) blanket with stars and small specks on it on the ground. She also laid out a few pillows in various shapes such as moons, stars, triangles, hearts, rectangles, and many others that she had scattered around her bedroom.

Once she was finally happy with the way the blanket and pillows looked, she quickly walked back inside her house to retrieve the place-mats, plates, and utensils to put onto her Black Folding Table where they would eat the delicious meals and deserts the (hair color)-nette made.

She carefully placed the mats onto the table, positioning them horizontally so the plates would fit onto them perfectly and there would be room for the utensils on the side. (Your Name) took a quick glance at the clock on the wall inside the house through the window, and noticed how little time she had left before her best friend would show up.

Who is (Your Name)'s best friend, you may ask? Or not considering you read the title of this chapter but let's not get into thAt...

Her best friend is the one and only Muichiro Tokito! They met on the day Tanjiro and the others, including (Your Name), had met the Hashira because of sweet lil' ol' Nezuko!

She had met Tanjiro at the final selection, and stuck with him throughout his journey to turn his sister back into a human ever since.

Since then, Muichiro took a liking to her, and vice versa. Both peaked the others interests, and began talking to each other. Those conversations then turned into hang outs, and those turning into missions with the other, [usually per (Your Name)'s request] which blossomed into an inseparable and loving friendship.

The sounds of feet hitting the floor inside the house stole (Your Name)'s attention, and she quickly but stealthily entered said home through the back door. She saw a sliver of black and turquoise before it disappeared shortly afterwards. Her immediate thought was that it was Muichiro trying to surprise her like he used to when they both first joined the Demon Slayer Corps., and she smiled mischievously.

Muichiro and (Your Name) had an odd relationship, but there was an unspoken rule to always protect and cherish the other for as long as they lived. That also included having funny moments and... questionable... conversations in which ended with one sighing in disappointment and the other hurled onto the ground with tears of laughter or joy.

(Your Name) walked inside as she jokingly teased, "I can't wait for my best friend Muichiro to show up and make my life complete," (Your Name) stifled a laugh as she continued. "He's so amazing, and I can't wait to give him... tHIS-" (Your Name) launched herself towards the corner in which she correctly assumed Muichiro was lurking in, and tackled him down to the ground with a loud 'thud.'

"hNnGh-" Muichiro grunted as the iconic duo smacked against the floor—their bodies colliding with one another harshly from the impact and direction of the fall. "... Ouch." Muichiro hissed in pain from both the fall and (Your Name) pushing down on his shoulders to use as leverage for standing up. "Sorry not sorry, you're the one who tried to scare me." (Your Name) retorted, dusting off some specks of dust that found their way onto her Demon Slayer Corps. uniform from when she had practically kissed the floor a few minutes back.

Reaching her hand out to Muichiro, he gripped it with his calloused hands and pulled himself up with ease as he stared blankly at his (eye color)-eyed goddess of a friend. "Let's head outside where I set up our lounging area, I've been waiting for you for a while 'ya know?" (Your Name) pouted as she crossed her arms above her chest, Muichiro blinking as he gave a 'hm' of acknowledgment. "Whatever, follow me, shorty." A tic-mark popped up on Muichiro's head at the sudden use of his nickname, but stayed silent nonetheless and followed the girl out to the dimly-lit garden.

time skip brought to you by - mitsuri eating noodles with obanai ft. kaburamaru <3

Muichiro and (Your Name) laid down facing the gorgeous night-sky on the layers upon layers of fluffy blankets and pillows. They admired the beautiful stars and shining moon that seemed to make all worries and troubles of the past flow away as though they were nothing more than leaves flitting in the wind. The scenery was outstanding and absolutely breathtaking—leaving the two friends in a comfortable silence as they dreamed about being able to have this moment last forever.

"Thanks for hanging out with me again, Mui. I really appreciate it." (Your Name) glanced at the boy sitting next to her who was looking up at the sky. "Mhm. I don't mind." Muichiro said softly before he turned his head to look directly at the (hair color)-ette with astonishing beauty. "Hey, can you tell me what shape those lights are in again?" Muichiro asked as he pointed lazily to one of the many fairy lights scattered across the gardens fences and poles, giving off the most dreamy and fairytale vibes ever known. "Yeah, they're in the shape of a crescent.. like the moon right there." (Your Name) replied calmly, her gaze not once leaving the lights of the sky. "Oh.. okay." The silence returned, although still as comforting and peaceful as before. For a small period of time though, the silence was interrupted with a vow that would never be broken.

"(Your Name)?"


"Promise to never leave my side?"


"Yeah... I promise.."

"Okay.. and I promise I won't forget you, ever."

"You better not, shorty—or I'll just have to spend the rest of my life making new memories for you to remember instead of forget."

"I.. I wouldn't mind that... not at all."


"Hey, Mui?"


"I love you, and thank you.."


"No problem.. and.. I guess I love you, too, you weirdo."

- - - - -

once again, i'm sorry that this is SUPER late and probably really ooc, i was kinda struggling to get his personality down and i haven't edited this chapter yet lol so there's probably a bunch of mistakes. stay safe my lovelies and i hope you enjoyed <3

published: 02/15/21

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