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I wiped the tears away from my face, putting my phone into the pocket of my pants. I took a small breath out, letting myself calm down. I had a feeling this numbness in my body wouldn't go away for a while, so I figured I might as well embrace it instead of fight it. This was how I felt after my mom died, and I knew from that this would eventually run it's course too.

"Hey, kid." I turned my head as the man standing in the field called out me. "You alright?"
"Uhm, no, not really." My voice was shaky, sounding almost broken. "I...I don't think I really have anywhere to go anymore."
"I'll tell yah what. How about you stay with us until we find you somewhere to go?"
"I really don't think that's necessary-"
"The more you say no the more I'm gonna ask." I let out a small smile at the man.
"Sure, I'd like that." The man walked up to me, holding out his hand.
"I'm Bruce."


The door to the room opened, a small bedroom with a large window extending across the wall coming into view. I walked inside, looking at the bare closet and walls. It felt empty, like it was made for somebody but it had never been used. There was a bathroom off to one side and a desk on the wall across from the bed.

"This room's been empty for I don't know how long. There's not much but it should be enough until you can get back on your feet."
"Thank you. I really don't want to be a bother."
"It's nothing. You can stay for as long as you need to. I'll let you get settled in, just go ahead and come downstairs whenever you're ready." Bruce left and shut the door behind him, myself letting out a sigh.

I didn't know what to do. How are you supposed to know what to do when half of population gets removed from the planet? 
The worst part about it was the silence. There was no sound anywhere; no birds, no insects, no animals. The only sound I could hear was the sound of the air conditioner buzzing, mixing with the faint talking from downstairs. I shut the blinds that laid over the windows and turned the lights off, sitting down on the bed. It felt strange, being in a place that I had never been, surrounded by people I'd only seen in pictures and news reports. The last thing I wanted to do was intrude, but maybe this was for the best.

I layed down on my back, staring at the high ceiling while my hands rested on my stomach. I didn't try to stop the tears as they fell, closing my eyes in a desperate attempt to remember the last moments I had been happy, a time I assumed I wouldn't get back for a while. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep, the physical and emotional pain becoming far too much.


When I woke up again, the place was silent. Not even the buzzing of machinery broke through the air, my eyes fluttering open to be met with a terrifying silence. I could see the beginnings of a sunset through the cracks in the blinds, legs weakly letting me stand. They guided me to the dark bathroom, my hands searching the wall for the light switch. When it did I was met with an unfamiliar reflection in the full sized mirror that sat attached to the wall across from the door.

My hair was a mess, face covered in dirt and dust. As I walked closer I could see the beginnings of small electrical scars forming on my neck, faint outlines of raised skin. My skin was far paler than usual, eyes sunken in and shallow cheek bones. I realized I hadn't changed my clothes from the under-suit outfit I'd had on, a black athletic turtleneck and some black exercise pants, each piece covered in a thin layer of dust. I pulled up my sleeves to the black raised marks that ran up and down my arms, slowly fading as I looked at them and being replaced by more scars.

I didn't really know what I was doing when I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs, my legs finding my way out the front doors. As I left the large building a gust of wind hit, sending a shiver down my spine. I just kept walking down the sidewalk, not even paying attention to where I was going. Before I knew it I was outside of my apartment, the door still left unlocked from when my dad was waiting for me to get home.

I didn't look around when I walked in. I just walked right into the kitchen and pulled out what was in the cabinets and the refrigerator, eating a slice of leftover pizza as I sat staring blindly at the wall. I left the dishes on the counter and made my way into the bathroom, standing the water and stripping down to nothing. I set the bracers that housed the nano-particle for my suit on the counter by the sink, stepping under the water that burned so hot my skin turned red.
I washed all of the dirt off of my body and scrubbed my hair clean, standing under the water until it turned freezing cold. I dried myself off to the bare minimum, walking into my bedroom and slipping on a pair of pajamas I still had laying on the floor. My body slunk under the bedsheets and I closed my eyes, letting the rest of the tears follow the ones that had slowly been falling for the past hour. 

This was it. This was my new life. 

i feel like this chapter sucks really bad but oh well 

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