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Scott paced around the room, walking nervously and talking to himself. I looked between him, Nat, and Steve, trying to figure out what we were supposed to do about this guy. 

"Is he okay?"
"Just give him a minute."
"He's been pacing around for 5."
He continued to walk around until Steve called out his name, bringing his attention back to the group of us. He ran his hands through his hair for a moment, let out a breath, and then stumbled over his words before finishing his sentence.
"Have any of you ever studied quantum physics?"

Everyone looked at me when I said yes, faces scrunched in confusion.
"Look I was bored one day and needed a topic to work on so I started studying quantum physics. Don't judge me, it's useful!"
"Very useful. 5 years ago, before the whole Thanos thing happened, I went inside the quantum realm. Which in simple terms is a-"
"Microscopic universe where the only way to enter is if you're on the atomic level. How the hell did you end up in there?"
"It's a really long story that I'll explain later. The point is, someone was supposed to pull me out. But after Thanos happened, she wasn't there. So I got stuck."
"For five years? That must have been hard."
"No you don't get  it. The quantum realm doesn't follow the typical rules of time that we do. It's subatomic so things don't work the same way they work on a much smaller scale. For us 5 years would have been 5 hours for him."
"Exactly. So what I'm saying is," Scott picked up the half of the sandwich I was going to eat, taking a bite and continuing pacing. "Since the rules don't apply, what if we were to enter the realm at one point in time but come out in another point in time in the past. Like before anything with Thanos ever happened."

"So what you're saying is time travel?" Steve leaned on the table and I shook my head.
"No, no that's impossible I already thought about that. I ran every algorithm and equation but it's virtually impossible."
"Not anymore. Not since we have the quantum realm. The only problem is, who do we talk to about this?"


I turned off the car, sitting inside for a moment and taking a breath. It had been a while since I'd seen Tony, a few months at most. I knew it would be hard to convince him to do this; hell it was practically a suicide mission. But if I was ever going to get Peter and my dad back, this was the only way it could possibly work.
I stepped out of the car, shutting the door and coming up to stand next to Steve's car. Tony gave me a look, a look that said 'don't let them drag you into whatever this is they're trying to do.'

"Y/N!" Tony set Morgan down, the little girl running over to me with a smile on her face. I felt a wide grin form on my face, picking her up and holding her on my hip.
"Hey Morgan! Did you miss me?" She nodded aggressively, myself letting out a laugh. "Well, I gotta talk to your dad right now but I promise that I will come and hang out with you later okay?"
"Okay!" I set her down and she ran off, running inside. I walked with the rest of the group onto Tony's porch, leaning against the railing. 

"Why are you guys here?"
"Scott came to us with something and you're the only one who can help."
Scott explained to Tony what he told us, listing off every important detail and major point. By the end of it Tony was silent, and when he spoke up it was not the answer we wanted to hear.
"You do realize that's impossible right? You can't just go in at one point in time and come out in another."
"I did it."
"By accident. It was a fluke. You didn't do it on purpose and the results could be catastrophic if we try."
"Could be. There's always the chance that it can work, I know that better than anybody." I spoke up, stepping away from the railing and walking closer to lean on the wall. 
"Y/N, please don't let them make you believe this can work."
"I don't have any other choice, Tony. I have run out of ideas. I have tried to calculate every single possible outcome and nothing seems to be able to work but this? It might."
"Might being the objective word here."
"All we have to do is go back and get the stones before Thanos can, bring them back here, snap our fingers and bring everyone back."

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