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I had somehow managed to get all my clothes off over my suit, slipping them inside my backpack as quickly as possible. I tossed mine and Peter's backpacks at a nearby wall while he shot a web at it, sticking them both to the wall for us to retrieve later. We kept swinging until we landed on a building, me sliding the mask over my mouth and hood over my head. My goggles expanded from the micro-tech pieces behind my ears, covering my eyes. Tony had helped me update the tech a bit, the screen of the goggles now a transparent glass that makes it easier to see. They worked a lot like the eyes of Peter's mask, able to scan the environment and have usable interface. They went to work scanning the area for any disturbances. Peter slipped the mask over his head and started looking, too.

I noticed a group of people running away from the downtown area, streaks of light moving from the area as a huge fight broke out. Peter seemed to see the same thing, my goggles zooming in on the sight. I watched as Tony was suddenly flung down several blocks and through dozens of buildings, giving me and Peter the cue that it was probably important that we hop in. I let the electricity flow through my finger tips and collect in my palms.

"Okay Pete you gotta be ready to catch me if this doesn't work."
"Got it." He ran ahead of me and went first, swinging around the exterior of the building ready to catch me. I took a breath and ran full speed, jumping off the building and letting my body free fall. I closed my eyes tight and focused, expecting to either hit the ground or to feel Peter's arms around me. Instead, I heard a small crackling and my body move through the air, opening my eyes to see a steady stream moving from my palms and my feet. "It worked!"
"Holy shit, I didn't know you could do that!" Peter swung next to me, both of us heading in the direction of Central Park.
"Neither did I!" I let out a laugh while I thrust my hands forward, trying to go faster but only opening my eyes wide as the sparks dissipated. "Oh shit." I felt myself fall before Peter swung in front of me and caught me, holding me with a hand around my waist. "Well, I need to get the hang of that." The two of us continued to travel towards Central Park, watching as a large thing with a robotic arm quickly made its way over to where Tony was laying on the ground. I looked to Peter and he nodded, letting go of me as I started to hover by my powers again. This time, the sparks stayed for a decent amount of time and I made my way over. Peter grabbed the arm and I shot a bolt at it, shorting it out and sending sparks up and down the entire robotic arm. Tony looked from the two of us and cocked his head in confusion.

"Where did you two come from?" Peter held the arm off while I lowered myself to the ground.
"A field trip to Mom-" Peter was suddenly flung away from the two of us by the arm, which then prompted me to  retaliate by shooting a couple bolts at the thing's head. Peter quickly bounced back up and swung over to where we were, shooting webs at its face while I sent bolts at it with my hands.
"What's this guys deal, anyway? Does he need, like, money or something? Lose in an arm wrestling match with the Hulk?" I jumped off the ground and flipped over the large arm as it clambered down right where I was standing.
"He is a big angry guy from space with some guy who has no nose and came to steal a necklace from a wizard." I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

Peter swung over to the guy in an attempt to kick him in the face but was caught by the large metal hand attached to him. The thing swung him around repeatedly before letting go, launching him a good ways away. I watched as Peter easily stood back up, making his way quickly back over. I shot another blast at his head, getting caught up in the grip of the arm as well. I sent electricity through my entire body, covering myself in bright blue sparks. The creature let go and picked up a car, throwing it away and right into the path of Peter's swinging. He grabbed it with one of his webs and made a move to throw it at it. I quickly shot a few larger sparks at the hood of the car, causing it to blow up upon impact. The creature became stunned while a flash of red flew by, my eyes following it.

"And that's the wizard."
"On it." Me and Peter said in unison, him shooting a couple webs at a nearby structure and myself pushing off the ground to begin moving on a cloud of sparks. It moved so fast I could barely keep up, my arms burning from how much energy was moving through me. I may be superhuman, but I'm not invincible.
"Peter, I-I can't keep up." I felt myself start to burn out, getting dangerously close to passing out from how much pain I was in. It felt like all my bones were infused with lava, the burning in my arms getting more and more intense. Everything started to go black as I fell backwards, eyes opening wide when Peter yelled my name. Before I could dodge out of the way of the giant sign heading right for me, Peter quickly swooped me up and out of the way, holding me by my waist.

"How many times am I going to have to save your ass?"
"It'll get too high to count after a while." We both laughed as we kept following the wizard guy, Peter's hand on my waist and guiding me through the air. It reminded of when he took me on that first swing before I knew he was Spider-Man, and I found myself smiling at the memory. I missed moments like this.

We finally followed him into the center of downtown New York, a big blue pillar shining down from a large ship that cast a shadow on the ground. The red cloth the guy was wearing split from him and he started tumbling towards the ground, me quickly shooting out a thin strand of electricity, similar to a rope or a lasso. I grabbed it with both hands, pulling him away from the ground. As I pulled on the body of the man, the spaceship suddenly let out a giant tractor beam that he started to be pulled into. 

"Uhm, Peter? Tony? I'm kinda being beamed up right now!" I tried to hold on to something but couldn't find a hold of anything. Peter shot a web at my hand and pulled himself to it, gripping it tight and holding onto a lamp post. Soon enough, the lamppost was out of the ground and we were headed towards the giant space ship.
"Okay this is not good!" We somehow managed to get out of the tractor beam and land on the inside ring of the ship. It climbed higher into the sky to the point where it started being hard to breathe.
"I-I can't breathe." Peter pulled off his mask and tried to breathe, my own head starting to become fuzzy.
"Y/N, remember what we worked on the other day. Tap the logo on your chest!" My grip loosened and I fell through the air at the same time Peter did, my hand barely coming up to hit the logo. At the same time, both of our metal spacesuits expanded around our bodies, covering us from head to toe in protective metal. I grabbed onto the side of the ship and pulled myself up, standing there as Peter looked over at me in his new suit.
"Alright, that's about enough for today. Happy trails kids, F.R.I.D.A.Y., send them home." And in a split second we were propelled back towards the city.

"Oh come on!"

I'm so sorry this took so long I've been hella busy recently and haven't had time.

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