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Please give me a break ahead of time I've never seen Alien

Me and Peter ran down the hallway for what felt like hours before finally reaching a large open room in the center of the ship. Tony was standing on a large platform at the top and the magic guy was below trapped in some weird shard thing next to the alien with no nose. Me and Peter exchanged a glance as he held out his hand, me taking it as he pulled me up into the rafters. 

"So, what's the plan?" I pulled the mask back over my face as I turned to Peter.
"I thought you had one."
"You dragged me into a giant space ship with no plan?!" I whisper yelled it, almost grabbing Peter and throwing him down to the ground.
"Yes! What was I supposed to do, let them destroy the world?"
"No but you could have at least come up with something before we left the Earth's atmosphere!"
"Look I'm sorry okay I just-"
"You two fight like an old married couple." We looked down at Tony staring up at us, a stern look on his face. "And you whisper very loud." Peter repelled down upside down and I hovered down on a small cloud of electricity to stand next to him. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We weren't just gonna stay by and let whoever these people are destroy the planet."
"I told you guys to stay on the ground to look after New York."
"Yeah well we can't do that when there's no ground to stay on." Peter gave Tony a serious glare, his eyes reading a look of 'Trust me, I can do this.'

"Fine, then what's your plan?" Peter tilted his head up before dropping down, fixing his hair.
"Have you seen the movie Alien?"
"Peter really? Right now?" I held my head in my hand, crossing my arms.
"No, seriously. Think about it. The one scene on the ship-"
"The space vacuum."
"That might work. Especially with the speed we're going the vacuum would be too strong to escape. And we're in a major star system so his luck he'd end up face first into a red giant." Peter and I exchanged smiles as Tony looked between the two of us.
"What are you two nerds talking about?"
"In Alien, when they get trapped on the ship with a Xenomorph, they create a space vacuum by cutting a hole in the side of the ship and sending it out into space. If we can somehow do the same, we won't have to worry about him ever coming back." Tony stood there and stared at me for a second, then threw his hands up in defeat.
"Alright I don't have any better ideas and for once it's a thought out and put together plan so let's do it." Me and Peter high-fived behind his back before we all got together to plan our attack.

First, Tony would jump down and distract the guy after which I would throw a bolt of electricity at his head. Then, Tony would cut out a chunk of the ship that Peter would grab with his webs, kicking the guy towards the hole in the process. Once he was out the hole Peter would put the metal back in place and me and Tony would weld it back together. But of course, our plans never go right.
Instead of me stunning him he wizzed my bolt out of the way with his weird telekinesis thingy, which then made him able to whip Peter out of the way. Luckily I always have a backup plan, so instead I shoved him in the direction of Peter swing again, kicking him towards the wall. Tony frantically made a hole in a wall which the alien guy went through, but also pulled the wizard dude in. Peter, somehow and very skillfully, threw the metal at the hole, grabbed the Wizard dude with his webs, pulled him away, and connected the piece back to the ship with his webs so it would stay. Me and Tony quickly welded it back in place, sealing the hole and thusly the vacuum. Me and Peter high fived and did the handshake Ned and Peter both taught me a few months ago. Tony and the guy started to argue while Peter attempted to talk to a cape. I hit his shoulder. 

"Dude, do you realize how dumb you look talking to a cape?"
"I was just trying to introduce myself." He hung his head and mumbled under his breath.
"Yeah to a piece of fabric."
"Look, we have no backup-" The two adults started bickering back and forth.
"We're backup." Me and Peter both raised our hands in unison as we spoke out.
"No, you guys are stowaways who aren't supposed to be here right now so put your hands down."
"I'm confused, are these like your children or something?"
"More like apprentice but okay." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Peter stepped forward.
"Uhm, I'm Peter by the way."
"Oh, so we're using our made up names? I am Spider-Man then." I stepped forward and hit the back of his head.
"No, dumbass, that's his name. Dr.Stephen Strange, ex-surgeon." I stepped forward. "I'm Y/N L/N."
"Adam's sister. Yeah." My voice trailed off. "Just for the record, I appreciate you trying your hardest to save his life. They said you almost did it."
"I really wish I could have." We exchanged light smiles before I stepped back. Tony stared off into space (literally), Dr.Strange attempting to talk to him through his stupor.
"Can you get us home or not?"
"I don't know." The two kept going back and forth, to which point I put a hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Come on, we should probably let them be." The two of us sat against a small pillar, staring at the stars as they passed by.

"What happens if we don't make it home?"
"What are you talking about?" Peter turned his head towards me. I ran a hand up my arm and winced in minor pain.
"What if we don't make it home? Like, what if this goes bad and something happens and we don't make it home? What's my dad gonna do? What's May gonna do when you don't show up back home?"
"Just admit that your scared."
"Of course I'm scared, I'm about to fight fucking aliens in space a million light years away from Earth, what else am I supposed to do jump for fucking joy and say 'yippee I'm on the moon'?" I threw my hands up in frustration and let my head fall on my knees. "I'm more than scared, I'm terrified."
"I think we all are." Peter leaned his head back. "I mean, I've never even been outside of New York, let alone space."
"When this all blows over I'll take you back to my hometown." He let out a chuckle.
"Don't get too excited. The most you can do there is walk around downtown and count how many homeless men are on every street corner."
"Do you ever want to go back?" Peter asked the question with a serious tone. "Go back and see all your old friends again?"
"You see, I didn't exactly have friends." I pulled the mask off my face and fixed my hair. "Until I met you and Ned I'd never had a full on conversation with anyone except my brother. Sure, I was friendly with people but I didn't have friends. In my hometown it was play sports or rot in unpopularity. I didn't play sports so I rotted in unpopularity. The few friends I had in middle school became cheerleaders freshman year anyway so."
"There's nothing you miss about where you moved from?"
"We get snow in New York."
"I get that, idiot. But you haven't seen it there." I let out a small smile. "There's no lights to get in the way there like in New York. When the sun hits it at just the right angle it shines off the ground and looks like diamonds all across the ground. And on snow days me and Adam would go for drives to the science center or to get ice cream even though it was like negative three degrees outside. We'd go to the comic shop and the store owner would let us sit in the back room and just read comics until my mom yelled at us to get home." I let out a laugh. "There was one time that Adam started talking about Star Wars and I didn't know what he was talking about so he called me off school that day since my parents were away on business trips and we watched all the Star Wars movies until midnight." I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
"You miss both of them, don't you?" I nodded as a few tears fell down my face.
"Yeah. Lately I've been missing them a lot more. It's like this pit in my stomach that I can't get rid of. But it's not from grief or anything, it just feels...wrong. You feel it too, don't you?" He nodded.
"Some days more than others. It's always like something's off, or like something is gonna go really, really wrong." He moved a little closer to me, our hands almost touching. We sat like that in silence for a little bit.

"I wish I could have met him, your brother." Peter looked at me and gave the smallest sympathetic smile.
"He would've loved you but hell he would've made fun of me more than he already did." We both let out a laugh. "He'd constantly pester me about you calling you my boyfriend and shit. But I can just imagine you guys talking about nerd stuff for like hours while I just sat there bored out of my mind." We let out a chuckle.
"You'll make it home. I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to get you back home."
"And I'll do whatever it takes to get you home."

𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 | p.p. x reader | book two.Where stories live. Discover now