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"This is markedly better than what you had me in last time at least." I pulled the pants up above my waist, making sure the crisp black shirt remained tucked in under the waistband. I pulled the white lab coat over my shoulders and fixed the glasses across my nose, following next to Tony and Steve as we walked through the base. People milled about in every direction; some men were dressed in military uniforms holding guns, others were dressed in official suits carrying clipboards. Some women were carrying books, other carrying file folders. My own hands gripped a briefcase, a spot hollowed out inside to sit the Tesseract.

"Let's just make this quick. We need to be in and out of here as soon as possible and get back to our timeline."
"Yeah, well, I don't think infiltrating and stealing a space stone from a high security military base is gonna be as easy as you want it to be."
"Let's just pretend like it will be, okay? Now, where would they keep something like that?"

The three of us looked around, taking note of all the people entering the various buildings throughout the base. My glasses zoomed in on two men disappearing inside of a bunker, looking remarkably suspicious for people to not notice. 

"Two men, just entered an elevator in the south bunker."
"Alright, let's go. We all know our jobs, it's time to put our skills to good use." 

We walked in tandem towards the door of the bunker, Steve holding it open for me and Tony to enter through. When we stepped into the elevator another woman stood inside, flashing us a smile. She gave me another glance.

"You look a little young to be working here."
"Oh, I'm just an intern here. I'm studying engineering so I'm here for help on a thesis project."
The woman just smiled at me again, going back to looking down at her files. When the elevator stopped me and Tony got out, giving a small nod to Steve as we left. 

"You are a remarkably good liar."
"Yeah, well, when you can't tell your parents you were out fighting crime at 12:00 am you come up with some pretty good excuses and pretty powerful skills."
"Remind me not to trust a word you say from now on."

To my surprise, we didn't get many looks as we traveled down the hallways of the compound. I guess to anybody else we just looked like a scientist and his intern working on a project. We were finally able to make it down the basement level, revealing a room filled with various locked cases, tables, and a variety of other containment units. The hallway extended further and further down, and the further we walked the longer it seemed. 

"How do we know we're even looking in the right place?"
"We don't."
"Wow, my faith in your plan grows larger minute by minute."

We continued walking, scanning case after case looking for the Tesseract. I could feel the energy signatures of everything in the room; some small, some large, some barely noticeable over all of the electricity running through the facility. As we moved further and further down, I could feel an energy signature growing stronger and stronger. By the time we came up on the case the energy signature was so strong it almost hurt me to feel it. Tony approached it, laser cutting the case open and revealing the Tesseract. 

"That thing is a lot less dangerous looking than I imagined."
"Well, it is very dangerous so please do not touch it."
"If it's so dangerous, why are you letting me carry the case that it goes in?"
"Because I don't want to carry it."
"Some father figure you are."

The sound of a voice and footsteps echoed through the hallway, catching me and Tony off guard. We turned in the opposite direction, ready to run off and get out of there, before the man at the end of the hallway called out to us.

"The door out is the other way, you two."
We turned in sync, Tony straightening himself up and myself putting on a smile. As we got closer to the man, I noticed that he had a strange resemblance to Tony. Tony became nervous, almost sweaty, unable to really form words. When the man introduced himself, I knew immediately that the person standing in front of us was Tony's father. After shaking Tony's hand, Tony coming up with a quick name, he turned to me.

"And you are?"
"Y/N Parker. Engineer." I shook his hand, firm grip and smile on my face. I knew there wasn't really a need to disguise my name since I wasn't even born yet, but it rolled off my tongue. 
"You look a little young to be an engineer."
"I skipped quite a few grades. I'm working on my thesis here so I can get my doctorate at NYU."
"What's your thesis project?"
"Energy efficient aerospace equipment."
"Quite the overachiever, aren't you?"
"You could say that."

"Ms. Parker, can I talk to you for a moment?" Tony looked at me, motioning to push me to the side. I nodded, walking with him a few steps away and out of earshot.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm playing the part."
"In and out, that's what we said."
"Yeah, you also said discreet. That includes not breaking cover."
"Well-Whatever. Go find Steve and wait for me. I don't want to keep this here any longer than I have to."
"Will do."

I said a goodbye to Tony's father, thanking him for his wishes of good luck on my 'thesis' project. I nodded to Tony, leaving the room in the way we had came. I wandered through the hallways of the compound until I saw Steve leave one of the rooms down the hall and close the door behind him. I walked up behind him, walking in time next to him as we headed to the exit elevator.

"So, how'd it go?"
"As planned. You?"
"Quite well, if I do say so myself."
"Where's Tony?"
"Talking to someone downstairs, helping to cover my ass for an exit."
"Let's just hope he talks fast and keep conversation to a minimum."

When we finally exited the facility, the warmer air of the outside hit like a ton of steaming hot bricks. It almost took my breath away with how hot it had become in a matter of less than an hour. We stood to the side and waited for Tony, miming conversation while keeping an eye on the people who continued to mill about. Tony finally came out of the elevator alongside his father, walking towards a car that sat in the center of the drive. Me and Steve watched and waited as the two men talked, the both of us making a 'hurry' motion when Tony looked our way. He finally ended the conversation, coming back to us. 

"You ready to go?"
"Yeah, we better get out of here ASAP. They're already suspicious of us." Steve led our group behind a set of building, hiding us from the view of other soldiers. As soon as our suits came up we put in the new set of Pym particles and made the command to return home.

Whenever we came back to the present I landed flat on my feet, my stomach-thankfully-able to keep in my lunch I never ate. Everyone was here so far except Natasha and Clint, who still remained to be seen. I set the briefcase down, stretching out my fingers. A few moments later, Clint came back but Natasha wasn't with him. 

"Clint, where did Nat go?"

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