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5 Years Later

The candles flickered as I set the lighter down on the table, my hand flicking the light switch next to me to turn all of the lights off.
"Happy birthday...to me." The sounds of my voice carried through the empty apartment, bouncing off each wall in a deafening echo. Every word made it harder to speak, trying to will myself not to start crying. "Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday...dear y/n..." My body began to shake with silent sobs, feeling each tear fall before it hit the table.

My shaky breath blew out the candles, watching as the flames dimmed as my breath hit them. I didn't turn the lights back on, just sat there in the dark with tears flowing in a steady stream down my face. I didn't know how long it had been when I finally switched the light switch back on, but I assumed it had been at least 10 minutes. I picked up the knife that sat next to the cake, cutting it into pieces and putting it on the plate that sat in front of me on the table. I ate it, bringing the fork to my lips with each bite.

It was bitter sweet, celebrating my birthday for the first time in 5 years. I never had the strength to do it before now; each time I tried it just sent a shock of pain through my body. It hurt, remembering doing things that I had done when everyone was still here. Now I was just alone, with only a few new people left to keep me sane.
I finished the cake and put the dishes on the counter, boxing up the rest of the pieces and putting them in the refrigerator. I walked down to the bathroom and started the shower, getting ready to go through the same routine I went through everyday.

When I stepped out and looked in the mirror, I barely recognized myself, which happened more than you think lately.

I had gotten a new haircut, some sort of desperate attempt to control what was going on in my life. I'd even tried dying it a few times which if I'm being honest was a total disaster and just made it a lot worse. I looked older, which was strange to me. It was hard to believe that I was 20 years old now, but it still felt like I was 15. When I imagined what I'd be doing at 20, I imagined something along the lines of college with my best friends, parties and video games late at night, drinking even though I wasn't supposed to. Now all it was was visiting grave sites, memorials, and working day and night to figure out how to manage a life without the most important people in my life.

Although, I guess drinking when I wasn't supposed to was always still an option.

I finished up going through my after shower routine and headed into my bedroom, grabbing some clothes out of the closet without really looking. Looking in the mirror at my body, it felt so weird looking at the person I was now.
Since I had nothing to really do with my time now, I had started working on a few new projects to occupy the time, one of which was figuring out how to get my body in better shape to handle my powers. I'd started working out a bit more, although not enough to really become muscular. I was more toned that was for sure, but my body shape hadn't changed all that much.

Grabbing my phone and car keys I headed out the door, making my way down to the parking lot. Tony had been nice enough to give one of the cars he never drove last year for my birthday, even though I didn't really go anywhere. I was thankful for it anyway, although it felt like less of a birthday gift and more of a "sorry you got stuck in space for almost a month" present.
The sound of the engine starting cut through the air, sounding louder than anything else in such a silent world. These days everything was quiet, with streets littered with garbage and the atmosphere bleak and depressing. Everything felt gray anymore, with barely any color left in existence.

I drove to the garden as fast as I possibly could, wanting to just get this done and over with so I could head to the compound. I pulled into one of the spaces, noticing the completely empty parking lot and locked gates. I turned the car off and got out, standing in front of the fence that blocked my way into the area.
"Since when did they start locking the gates? They never said there was a rule against picking flowers."
I scaled the fence with ease and landed on the hard pavement path that led deeper into the garden, standing up straight as I brushed off my clothes. I made the trek to the inner part of the garden, walking through the trees and into the secret path that sat inside the larger garden.

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