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When we all left the crashed space ship, we were met by the barren wasteland of whatever planet we had crash landed on. Debris from what looked like spaceships and buildings littered the ground beneath our feet, the sky above our heads a monotone beige that matched the browns and deep reds of the planet's surface. We walked out single file, finding ourselves in a flat space surrounded by rubble and twisted metal.

"Well isn't this place just the spitting image of beauty."
"It looks like something from Mad Max."
"The entire planet is off it's axis. Whatever happened here wasn't exactly good."
"Yeah, I can kinda see that just from, yah know, looking at it?"
"What did your parents teach you as a kid?" Starlord turned to me, holding his hands on his hips as his face moved in an annoyed expression.
"First of all, screw you. Second of all, I taught myself not to take shit from egotistical old men who dress like a wannabe punk rocker."
"You really need to work on your manners because-"
"Mmmm, you can't tell me what to do so I think I'll pass."
"Alright, that's enough." Tony stepped between the two of us. "You, watch your language. And you, stop arguing with a 15 year old girl and losing. It's pathetic."

Me and Peter continued to look around, only stopping when Tony started to break down a plan with everyone else. Once he was finished, he looked around to be met with the bored faces of Starlord's crew.
"Seriously? Are you even listening?"
"Yeah, they don't really do 'plans'."
"No wonder you guys suck so bad." That comment earned me a dirty look and I just rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. Anyway, your plan? Kinda sucks. So, how about you let me take care of the plan so we can do this right."
"You just said you don't do plans."
"Well I do plans sometimes."
"Yeah, like the dance off to save the universe." The big guy spoke with a quiet voice, but all of us heard the absolute psycho babble he was spitting.
"You what?"
"It wasn't really a dance off."
"Wait, like in Footloose?" Peter stepped forward, looking at the man with a confused look.
"Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the best movie ever?"
"There was never a time where it was."
"Alright that's enough."

The two 'adults' fought for what seemed to be a good portion of 10 minutes, the strange girl-whose name we learned was Mantis-wandering off in a different direction. Me and Peter just kinda stood there awkwardly, listening to the sounds of childlike bickering coming from the two men.


After some delightful revelations about our odds of winning this fight, we split off into areas where we could wait for Thanos to show up. Nobody had any idea how long it would take for him to show, so it was what felt like a clock that kept moving back 5 minutes for every one it moved forward. Me and Peter ended up stuck on top of a wreckage, me laying on my back humming out of boredom.

"Hey Pete?"
"What if I change my hero name?"
"Why do you wanna change it?"
"Come on. Spark? It's lame, self explanatory, and boring."
"You said it, not me."
"Hey, I don't wanna hear anything from you, Spider-Man."
"What's wrong with Spider-Man?"
"Are you kidding me? You just went with the obvious name."
"So did you."
"Well if you want to change it, what do you wanna change it to?"
"Why not?"
"Because you watch too much anime."
"Fuck you."
"Come on, pick another one."
"That's better. Haywire it is."

After what felt like more and more hours of waiting, a large flash of blue appeared in a sort of mist like swirling circle in the center of the clearing. Everyone ducked their heads, trying our best to stay out of sight. We watch, barely out of earshot of the conversation Strange and the big purple guy were having below us. When Tony made his move, that was our cue to get going.

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