Chapter 8 Part 1: Breakfast

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Loud foot steps were running toward the door. "Sanji! FOOD!" The door had suddenly flung open with the straw hat boy grinning ear to ear.

Law rolled his eyes as the cook smiled at Luffy. "Yeah I know!"

Soon everyone woke up due to Luffys yelling. "Luffy, you need to stop yelling at 6 in the morning..." Nami said stretching. Luffy walked over to the table. "Don't ignore me!" 

"What are you making it smells nice!" Usopp walked over to Sanji to look over his shoulder. "To close." The cook waved his spatula in front of Usopps long nose almost hitting it. "Ok! But what are you making?" Sanji brought back his spatula, "I'm making strawberry pancakes and there's vinilla chia pudding in the fridge. Can you get it out? Oh, and the bacon and eggs." He flipped 5 pancakes and put them on a plate with the other pancakes. "Cool and sure." Usopp started to grab the pudding and place it on the table. 

Robin, Brook, and Chopper walked in. "The food smells wonderful, Sanji-kun!" She smiled. "Yes, thank you Robin-chan!" He swayed back and forth making sure not to mess up the food. "Sanji! Can I have some of the pudding!" Choppers eyes sparkled. "Not yet." Chopper sat down next to Luffy. "Hey Chopper," "What is it Luffy?" Luffy turned them around so no one can hear them. "where was Sanji last night?" Chopper squinted at Luffy. "He was in the room sleeping." Luffy shook his head, "No." He looked around him. "He wasn't in the room. Do you think that he turned invisible?" Chopper gasped. "That would be so cool!" 

"The food looks amazing Sanji!" Franky watched as Sanji placed all the food on the table. "Come try the Chia pudding, I got some chia seeds a while ago and want everyone to try it!" Luffy and Chopper ending their talk, soon to forget about it, so they could eat.

Walking in last was Zoro. He came in slow and sat down with everyone else. "Morning."

"Good morning Zoro-san." Brook greeted. "What did the damn cook make?" Zoro yawned. He raised a brow, "Is that tadpole pudding?" "Why would I make tadpole pudding?!"  Zoro shrugged. "I don't know, you have weird tastes." Another argument between the two began.

Law shook his head, "Why do they have to yell every morning?"  

Everyone besides Zoro and Sanji laughed at Law's comment. "Because their idiots!" Nami yelled. "Yeah! Idiots!" Usopp was eating the food on his plate before Luffy could notice that he still had food. "Come on and eat!" Franky moved both of the to the table and sat them down. 

"The chia pudding is good Sanji!" Chopper lifted his spoon with the pudding on it showing Sanji. Sanji smiled, "Thanks, it came out better then I thought it would." 

Law glared at the pancakes across the table. "Oh yeah, Torao doesn't like pancakes because its like bread right?" The crew looked at Luffy who was eating his food. "I totally forgot! Sorry Torao!" Sanji got up and started getting out the little strawberries and yogurt. "I don't have anything prepared. Is this ok?" He put it down in front of Law. "yeah, it's fine."


End of chapter 8 part 1

I edited this away because of how dumb it sounded, but I want it to still here in memory...

""The chia pudding is good Sanji!" Sanji smiled,..."

Someone pointed it out to me and how it sounds like Sanji is complimenting himself.

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