Chapter 3: Ship freak out

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Young and sad Law was crying about losing another person he cared so much about. He didn't know what else to do but think about what him and Corazon were going to do.

Suddenly a large wave came, Law didn't notice it with his eyes full of tears. Everything looked blurry to him.

The wave hit the floor and a straw hat boy came with it. Law could only see some red, blue and black smudges but he could tell it was something. He went close to it and tried to make his vision clearer, everything he did wasn't helping, he couldn't stop crying. He gave up and just went to moving the boys shoulder.

"Hello? A-are you alive?" Law said. He didn't get a response but the only thing he could think of was to move him into shore. He tried grabbing both of Luffy shoulders and pulling him back. He moved him to where the waves couldn't get to him.

Silence was really loud at this point, Law didn't want to wait for this boy to wake up so he walked away to get to the boat that Corazon and Law hid.

Then a loud cough was heard by young Law.

"Huh?" Luffy said looking around.
"Where am I, I'm supposed to be on the ship-" Law spotted Luffy talking and looked at him from a distance.

"I want you to tell me who you are!" Law yelled no tears, but had very puffy eyes and red face.

"I'm Monkey. D. Luffy! And I'm going to be king of the pirates- wait isn't that hat Torao's?" Luffy said pointing up at the hat Law had been wearing.

"King of the pirates? That sounds stupid, you can't be king of the criminals." Luffy had a shocked face, that sounded exactly like something Law would say!

"Are you Torao's kid and he didn't tell his friend and alliance partner about! I mean me!" Luffy said getting up and walking to Law.

"No! Go back I don't know who you are and I'm not the son of Turoo, or who ever you're talking about!" Law was panicking about how this guy could take advantage of this sad weak part of him.

"Then who are you and where did you get that hat! The only way is that you need to know Torao! Wait that might be why he has a different hat now!" Luffy reached Law and pinched his cheeks.

"Come on tell me who you are!" Law got a little annoyed,

"Ok ok! My name is Trafalgar Law!" Luffy stopped pinching him and bent down to look at him. 

"So you're like a younger little Torao?" Luffy said squinting at Law.

"I just said my name is Trafalgar Law not Torao!" Luffy went back to pinching Laws cheeks again.

"That's what I said!"

At this point Law gave up. Law was annoyed at first of what this older guy was talking about, but now he just wants to leave. "Let go of me! I don't know you and you're getting in the way of what I need to do!" Law yelled at Luffy and pulled his hands away from his face. "Don't touch me!" Law ran to the boat. Luffy followed close behind. "Leave me alone you-!" Luffy stood in front Law,
"Why are you in a hurry to get to that boat anyway?"

~~Meanwhile, with the crew~~

Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook had there hands up in the air crying of sadness and totally scared of what might happen next.
"W-what happened to Luffy-?" Nami said falling to the floor.

Law, Zoro and Sanji were in shock, thinking how that water could do such a thing.
"Hey! Torao, what happened to Luffy! You saw that thing before anyone!" Zoro yelled grabbing Law by the collar. Law still looked shocked, he didn't know where the water could have taken him.

"Shitty marimo, if he knew anything he wouldn't be so shocked. I'm going to go look!" Sanji took off his shoes and jumped in the water.
"That idiot-" Zoro let go of Law and jumped in the water after Sanji. They came back and the first thing they did was yell..

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