Chapter 7: Night talkers

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Nothing came to mind as Law was laying down. He wasn't hating that it was quiet. He was enjoying the silence. The ship was never like this during the day. It was a quiet night, but somehow he just wanted it to, you know, be a bit loud. There was sounds of snoring, even waves. It was still quiet.

This is useless  Law got up, used to the darkness of the room. He looked around eyes drooping down. It was as if he could practically feel the dark under eye getting to him. Feeling like absolute shit, he got up and walked to the door.  Might as well leave. Theres no reason staying in this stuffy room.

Law had wanted to sleep that night. Not like he didn't sleep the night before, he just wanted to sleep is all. There were some times he couldn't sleep, tired but no chance of sleeping. But that hadn't happened in a while. He wondered why it could be happening now. Opening the door, stepping out, and closing it back up. He was now outside the straw hats crew's room. He sighed and slid down the door leaning on the door while sitting down.

How can I sleep after all this happening, to even think I could sleep was one thing but trying was on a whole other level!   Law held his head over his knees. "To think I was the idiot." Law spoke out loud not realizing he had. He held his fist close as he mentally cursed. "You ain't no idiot, I've seen one roaming around the ship and can assure you it's not you." A voice said almost at a whisper.

Being confused at first, he lifted his head not surprised to see the swordsman of the straw-hat crew standing next to him not to close but not to far. Zoro had a soft look, but could only tell if you payed at most attention. Luffy's crew could tell what Zoro was thinking when it came to emotion. Well, most of the time. Law didn't care how everyone felt. So he never payed attention. But at times like these he was the most observant. They created eye contact and quickly cut it off. The two had only one thing in common and that was they were swordsman. Everything else to do with each other was a mystery to one another.

"What do you mean?" Law said.

"What do you mean "what do I mean" ? I mean that you're not an idiot. Have you seen the men on this ship?" Zoro said pointing to the wall of the room.

"It would be better if someone that wasn't an idiot told me that." Law said in a serious tone.

"You know what I take that back. You are an idiot." Zoro said quickly. Law rolled his eyes. He thought about what Zoro said and chuckled a bit. "You're right, I am an idiot for saying that." The swordsman also chuckled. "Was joking when I said you were an idiot 'ya know." The surgeon nodded while cracking a smile. He looked at the wide sea as it moved from one place to another. "I have to get going, I have to be training to get stronger." Zoro turned around to walk away until Law spoke up, "Training on Blackleg-ya? Go for it." Law had a wide grin, looking as if he were going to explode from laughter. This caused Zoro to choke and almost fall over. "What-" Zoro started, "It's not like you hide it." Law pointed out. "Whatever!" Zoro yelled loud enough to cause Law to chuckle out loud. "Tell him I said hi!" Law waved as Zoro walked off a bit embarrassed.

After all that Law felt a bit tired. It was fun to talk to the crew once and a while one-on-one like that. "He's an interesting character."


The sun was rising and it fell over the ship. The eyebrow on Laws face had twitched when light faded over his dark raven hair. He opened his eye and remembered he was outside. He opened the other eye and looked around. Not long after started to stretch.  Slept outside. Not the worst but not the best.  He got up and walked over to the kitchen.  No one is here, how early is it?  He looked over at the clock on the wall, it was early. 5:34am was the time. The sun had just raised. Law sighed and sat down at the table and waited for the cook to start breakfast.


It was 1:00 in the morning and the man nicknamed Torao was walking towards Luffy's bed.  Who is that and why is he walking over here? I can't tell what's in his hand..  Luffy had his eyes wide open. Looking at the shadow walking towards him. The man stopped right in front of the straw-hat captain. Usopp had said something but Luffy didn't pay attention. He was getting his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room not making any sounds. Luffy had finally gotten his eyes adjusted and all he could pay attention to was all the surgeons figures. He had a nice straight jaw line, a thin neck, small seductive grey eyes, tan smooth skin, a thin nose, beautiful cheek bones, and earrings that matched his skin flawlessly. His raven hair being blown by the wind from the open door. His hat was left who knows where. Luffy then passed out, feeling all the energy being sucked out of him.

He had a dream that night. About his crew having great adventures together.

He woke up with low energy. It seems he didn't sleep for so long because the moon was still out. The light glancing through the little window on the door. He heard low voices outside the room. Luffy slowly got off his hammock and tip toed over to the door looking through the glass window. He didn't see anyone but he heard voices. He focused on where the voices were coming from and felt the presents of two people. He figured it was Zoro and someone else, because he had night watch and all. He scooted down to where the closer voice got louder. The voices were very low to Luffy, yes he could hear but couldn't make out what they were talking about.

Who can be out this late talking with Zoro...hmm...  Luffy though squinting his eyes. He heard low chuckles. He looked around the room to see if someone was missing.  Sanji isn't here, maybe he is talking with Zoro? But they would be fighting so, nope.  He couldn't think of anyone during this. But then I came to him.  Ohhh, Zoro is talking with Robin! She was probably looking around the ship then Zoro started talking with her!  Luffy giggled a little after thinking he thought right. If everyone was awake they would shake their heads...

But then, there was louder chuckles. Deeper ones.  Huh? Robin doesn't sound like that.  Then he realized that it wasn't Robin, it was Torao!  Why is Torao talking with Zoro? They don't ever talk.  Luffy went back to squinting and raised his head more to get better view outside the window. It was no use. He couldn't see anyone. He lowered his head and put his ear on the door. "You're an idiot....that." Luffy made out something this time.  Torao? Huh, what do you mean? What are you talking about?  Luffy was getting very curious. Now that he knew it was Law. Luffy wanted to know the conversation Law and Zoro were having.  Maybe if I? Hmmmm.  Luffy stretched out his ear and placed it on the door. Not like it did anything his eardrum is still the same size. He let go of his ear to let it go back to it's normal size.

The conversation behind the door had ended with a light sound of a chuckle. Nothing more could be heard.  What? Did it already end? I feel like I've only been here for two minutes trying to listen!  And that's because it was only about a three minute talk. Luffy tip toed back to his hammock feeling disappointed, drifting back to sleep.


Heavy eyelids were covering his sight. He lifted up his head to come to bright light in the kitchen. He looked around to see a blond cooking. "What time is it?" Sanji jumped up and looked behind, "What the hell!" Law looked tired as always and just rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry, ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ⁱˢ ⁱᵗ ?" Sanji just looked at Law for a while before turning around to the clock, "it's 6:27 in the morning." Sanji went back to cooking. Loud foot steps were running toward the door. "Sanji! FOOD!" The door had suddenly flung open with the straw hat boy grinning ear to ear.


End of chapter seven.

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