Chapter 5: I'll see you again

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Law woke up thinking about how today might be the day Luffy leaves. He didn't know but it was a hunch.

Law started making his bed, then going into the bathroom.

About an hour later Law got bored and started poking Luffy to wake up, but he got grabbed and put on the bed. He struggled to get out of Luffy's grasp.

"Luffy! Let go! I don't wanna be on the bed!" Luffy didn't wake up to any of Laws yelling.

Law just gave up and laid there waiting for Luffy wake up. Luckily Luffy started to open up his eyes a move around, Law yelled. "Get up Luffy!" And Luffy raised his upper body to now be sitting in the bed. Luffy looked to the side and saw he was holding onto Law.

"Oh, yeah sorry I do that with Usopp and he gets mad at me too."

Luffy let's go of Law and hurry's to the bathroom quickly after before running out of the room.

"Wait- where are you going?!" Law chased him down the hallways and stairs.

"Going to get food! Want me to bring you some!" Luffy stopped at a two way hallway and looked around.

"Zoro would probably get lost here and never get out!" Luffy laughed and had his signature grin, a wide and genuine smile.

When Luffy was thinking which way the kitchen was, Law was running to catch him.

"This is stupid, I have to take care of the weird guy that says he knows future me, and he is crazy about food!" Luffy pouted and pulled his body forward. Luffy groaned.

"Why do you always have to think about eating they're are so many other things to be worried about." Law looked back at Luffy until he noticed he was gone. 

"Luffy! Why do you keep running off!" Law looked side to side in every direction he couldn't see Luffy anywhere. Until he noticed a piece of paper on the floor.

I'll see you soon! This is a vivre card, don't lose it!  Was written on the paper.

Law was confused  Whats a vivre card and where did he go! He didn't write this and if he did it would be messy hand writing! This guy..  Law sighed and started looking around until he realized that he was thinking this was Luffy's last day. But what did "I'll see you soon" mean? Was it his last day?

Law gave up and put the card in his pocket for safe keeping. He suspected it ment something to do with the future.

~~At the ship in the present time~~

"AHHHH!" was what everyone on the ship could hear. Everyone that wasn't outside was now. Everyone looked around until they noticed the screaming came from above them. But it was too late the man falling from above them fell onto the present time, Trafalgar Law.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Luffy looked around to see everyone staring at him. "Oh, hey everyone! I had fun!" 

"When did the floor of the ship get so 'bone feeling'?" Everyone looked done at Law. 

"Because you're on the heart pirates captain" Luffy looked to his sides and grinned, "Hey Torao! I forgot that you got taller for a second!" Everyone looked confused, even Caesar tilted his head. "Mugiwara-ya. If you don't get off me I will take your head." Luffy just laughed, "Ok, ok I'll get off but you have to take the vivre card out of your pocket!" Law sighed and Luffy got off of him. Luffy continued to laugh as Nami, Robin, Zoro and Caesar were thinking about what vivre card Luffy was talking about.

Law got up and searched his pockets, he pulled out a white piece of paper with the words 'I'll see you soon! This is a vivre card, don't loose it!' "I gave that to you when you where like 13 or something! I have no idea how you were able to keep it for like 13 years!" Luffy laughed, everyone's Jaw dropped,  Didn't they only meet at Sabaody!?  the crew thought. "What do you mean you have that to him when he was 13!" Nami yelled.

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