Chapter 1 : Lonely Young Law

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Trafalgar. D. Water Law, a young boy who had lost his parents due to an incident, had been put through so much.

One very kind and clumsy man had taken a liking to Law, wanting to save Law from the disease he had at the time, his name, Corazon.

Corazon wanting to help Law with everything resulted in him successfully gaining the op-op no mi and giving it to Law. The group that was lead by Doflamingo went to the island the op-op no mi was in order to steal it, fortunately they were unable to get it, for Law had already consumed the fruit.

Corazon knew well they would be here, he was injured while getting the fruit and was not in condition to fight. He told law Doflamingo would be there to take the fruit, it not being here was a problem,

"Law I want you to stay in the box while I get Doflamingo to leave." He snapped and the silent mode activated.

Law knew that it has happened so he moved and hit everything around him to see that no noise came of it. He tried to talk then laughed, he forgot he couldn't be heard by anyone. Corazon smiled. Law remembered that Corazon could die because of Doflamingo. He got up trying to get out,

"No, Law ill be ok. I'm his brother! I'll get him to leave so we could go safely-" Corazon smiled and held up a peace sign, "I love you Law!"

Law was in awe then when he had no sight of Corazon he laughed at the funny face that had come from Corazon.

Law waited in the crate not knowing what was going on. He could hear talking but it was as if they were muttering, everything outside the crate was low, the box was thick enough for sound to be very now if from outside of it. Law then heard a loud bang against the other chests and crates next to him, followed by another bang this time being a gun shot. Law freaked out and started hitting the crate wanting to be let out. He stopped after a short time, then hearings voice, the voice of Corazon. He talked a while, time after his voice was covered by a gun shot, then another, and another.

Law went back to freaking out and started moving around, he tried getting out but the chest above was to heavy to be moved by such a tiny being. The crate moved, no sound came of it but he knew that it was Doflamingo's crew.

When he was able to move the top of the crate lid, he slipped out and ran away, when he was far enough it hit that Corazon was gone. Law teared up, not long after he was balling with tears, not being able to help Corazon. So many times that he was helped he never had the change to ever pay I'm back for all his kindness and respect. He wanted to see Corazon again a repay him for all he has done to help Law.

Then on the cold winter island Law was on came a a small wave on shore. A man with dark raven hair landed on the island, knocked out and weak from the sea water of the ocean. Law still having tears running down his face, blurred vision had seen the human figure and walked to it. Wiping every tear away, he looked back at the man. He had a large scar on his chest and one small one under his eye. He wanted to know what it was from. He shook the man and waited for him to wake up.


End of chapter one.

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