Chapter 9: Thoughts and War

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Falling. He's falling from the sky. 

He's falling from the SKY?!

The closer he got to the floor the more he saw what he was falling to. Marineford.

"Room." A giant blue sphere surrounded him and the things around him. He switched with a random marine soldier. After looking around for a while he noticed he was there before Ace was killed. The soldiers were waiting for the whitebeard pirates to arrive. It was quiet and full of tension. He hid behind a wall where no one would be able to see him.

The more time he waiting there behind the wall, the more noisy it got behind it. Yelling from Ace and whitebeard echoed around Marineford, some marine soldiers yelled too. Pirates and Marines talked before running at each other, fighting. Law poked his head around the wall, trying to see if Luffy was arriving any time soon.  Theres an ice wall. I don't remember how Luffy got around that.  Not long after saying that, Luffy was in front of him. In the sky, but still there. He came from the sky. So did the other guys, crocodile, Ivankov, Jimbei, Buggy, and some others. 

Law saw as Luffy fell and just stared. He looked angry and ready to fight, but for falling from the sky, he looked nice. Luffy fell onto a ship and got back up. He started saying somethings, but Law couldn't make it out. The admirable's could somehow hear Luffy, but Law sure couldn't. 

"Shut up! It's not for you to decide! I'm the one who will be the pirate king!" Luffy yelled at Whitebeard. He yelled at whitebeard. Law was shocked. He didn't think this happened. "Mugiwara-ya!" Law yelled out at Luffy unintentionally. He realized and went back behind the wall. 

"Law?" Doflamingo heard his voice and recognized it. 

"Oh look, theres a person behind the wall. Better get rid of 'em." 

The warlords looked at him. 

"Ok?" Boa rolled her eyes. 

"Do what you want." Mihawk went back to looking at the pirates in front of him. He jumped off the platform he was on. 

"Hawk eye is always the first one to move in first, huh? Eh, I don't care." Doflamingo ran to where he heard Laws voice. 

"Oh, Law! I heard you. I didn't expect you to be here." 

Law brought back his blue sphere to get out of this situation. "I knew it." Doflamingo turned the corner and saw Law with his hand out about to switch. "Shambles." He was gone. 

Doflamingo raised a brow. "He looked...different." He murmured before joining the fight. 

After Law got away from the damn flamingo, he ran to get Luffy or at least talk. It had already been 30 minutes of him being here, and he hadn't done a thing. So many battles have been going on around him but he only cared for Luffy. 

"Hey hey, wait a second. Nothings gonna change if you talk to him, just like when he talked to you in your past." Saikaino ran in front of Law, causing him to stop. 

"What?" Law furrowed his brows. "Just move." He didn't take out his sword but hit Saikaino with the scabbard. It threw him away from Law. 

"You're being annoying Trafalgar." Saikaino appeared in front of Law just like he did before. "Did anything Luffy do in your past change anything?" The swordsman stood there thinking for a second.  No, it didn't. It was as if he was just visiting and leaving behind moments of being there.

"Look I did this for fun, and just wanted to let you know that. You can't save his brother or anything like that." 

He looked his eyes, "I wasn't going to try to."  Some fight got in their was blocking them from talking. Law took that as a chance to ignore this guy and talk with Luffy. 

50 minutes have passed sense Law had shown up. It's been all over the place.

Law got cut by a sword near by. He saw the blood on his arm, but didn't feel anything. It later healed as if it was never there. "The hell?" He continued running where he thinks Luffy is. A lot was going on. He couldn't think straight. 

"This is my failure..." Ace words hit Law. He turned around and felt something push his arm. Luffy ran right past him. 

"I'm," Law's eyes widened. "Your brother!" Luffy ran towards Ace at full speed, Law followed behind. "Mugiwara-ya!" 

All he wanted to be with his brother, like how I wanted to be with Corazon. I hate this feeling.

Law was knocked out by someone around him. 


Luffy cried out the pain he felt, everything went silent around Luffy. 

Law opened his eyes. "Luffy.." He got up and ran where the cries were coming from. "Luffy!" His head didn't hurt even after being knocked out. He made it to Luffy. Ace was on the floor, his own blood surrounding him. Law had never seen Ace's dead body. It made him freeze. Luffy saw Ace dead. Law had never seen Corazon's dead body. He couldn't bring himself to move. 

""I don't know what to do." Is what you're thinking aren't you?" Saikaino leaned his arm on Laws shoulder. "You can't do anything. But you can go try and comfort him if that'll make you feel better."

Without a second thought, Law ran over to Luffy and gave him a hug, scrapping his pants to from sliding on the ground to kneel down to his height on the floor. "I'm sorry." Luffy continued to have his breakdown.  His own brother was killed in front of him. Its so unfair.  

A marine soldier pointed out. "Trafalgar Law? What are you doing here?!" Law didn't hear anything but Luffy's cries. He shut his eyes. "I could have gotten here sooner this day." He opened his eyes again. "That's right. I came here. I still don't know why I did, but I'm happy I did." Luffy went silent too, just sitting there in massive shock. Pirates all around were crying over Ace's death. But Law paid no attention. 

Akainu went to attack Luffy but Marco protected him. "The fight...isn't over yet!" Marco pushed Akainu away with his flames. "We will absolutely protect him in Ace's place!" Law looked up at Marco, still hugging Luffy. "If we let him die... It will be the Whitebeard Pirates' greatest shame!" 

Shame. That's a strong word. Law grabbed Luffy and ran out of their way. "Why are you here?" Jimbei looked down at Law. "To see Luffy." Law didn't look up at Jimbei while talking, just at Luffy. 

Blackbeard came out of no where. Doing what everyone knows he did at Marineford. 

Law ran do where he knew his submarine would be. Luffy's hat fell off. Buggy was around because of Jimbei. Shanks gave Buggy the straw hat. "Stupid red hair."

 Law got onto the submarine. 

"Who the hell are you?" Law was two years younger here, he forgot. "You'll know once you're put in this situation. Law handed Luffy to Shachi.

"He need medical attention." 

Younger Law nodded. "I know, that's why I came here." 

Buggy tossed younger Law Luffy's hat. "This is.."

"Yeah its his hat, now lets get going." 

"Captain! Hurry! Hurry up!" Bepo motioned his arm to be moving toward the sub.

"Sure!" Younger Law ran in, while older Law looked around at what happened here, at Marineford. 

"You too! Captain look-a-like!"

Law ran in the submarine where everyone was running around doing everything they could to help the future pirate king. "Shit, please stay alive." Younger Law cursed to himself.

"He'll be fine. Just take care of him with everything you've got." Both Laws looked at each other, one more scared then the other. "He can barely breath, he is in terrible condition.." Younger Law looked over at the room where Luffy was staying. He ran over to the room to check on him. 

I hate this memory. The feeling I had, it was the worst. And here I am back in it.


End of chapter 9.

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