Chapter 4: Safe Place

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As Law was chasing after Luffy he noticed that a man was glaring at Luffy, Law didn't think it was to important at the time so he reached out to Luffy's vest sleeve and held on.

"Hey don't do that! I can't run if you do!"

"Well you don't need to run! And if you want meat you need money. You don't have any do you?"

Luffy looked away from Law trying to hide is guilty face.

"Of course I do..."

Law wasn't fazed. He got out a little pocket of money out of his sweater.

"Here you can use this but you also need to get something for me, alright?"

Luffy nodded. Law handed the bag over to Luffy. The man from earlier was a lot closer then before. He was now looking at Law. The man had a wide grin.

"Luffy, someone is looking at me." Law pointed at where the guy was, he was now behind them.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Luffy yelled now being noticed by everyone around the town.

The man cleared his throat. "I'm Saikaino, and you are?" While the man was grinning he was also acting like he was looking down on Luffy.

"Torao. We should go. Come on." Luffy grabbed Laws arm and walked away from the man.
"Where are you going straw hat Luffy!" Luffy stopped walking, looked at behind him and Law with a stern face then continued walking.

Luffy was trying to figure out if he knew someone like "Saikaino". he couldn't think of anyone.

Law looked at Luffy, he didn't look that old. About maybe 18 or 19. All Law knew was that Luffy wasn't a kid, even if he might act like one at times...

Saikaino kept on following the two. Luffy got enough if it and kicked him with an attack by the name "gomu-gomu no wip!". Saikaino was thrown out towards the buildings to the left.

"There, now we don't have to deal with that. Let's go get food!"

Law was surprised. He didn't know someone like Luffy could do anything like that.

"Hey wait! You're just going to leave him there!" Law tugged on Luffy's vest and pulled his arm to the man. "Yeah I am going to leave him there, he won't leave use alone if we go to him." Luffy tilted his head.

Law sighed and gave up on trying to do anything. "Let's just go eat, you want to eat right?" Law pointed at a small restaurant if you could call it that, it's more like a café. Luffy without saying a word walked over to the restaurant on the corner.

"This place looks really good! It's clean and smells like good food!" Law was holding onto Luffy's vest still and goes where ever Luffy goes.

They walked in and took a seat in the corner next to the window. Law looked as if he had never been to a restaurant before, he was giddy. It wasn't hard to tell even with him not smiling.

A waitress with no special appearance came over to there table. "Hello! Welcome to Chinon! What can I get you two to eat today?" She lifted up a pen and a notepad.

"What do you have?" Law asked as Luffy was just about to list a meal for one hundred people. The waitress was recommending all different kinds of food. "Can I just have a plate of Onigiri with nothing special inside, just a normal one." The woman wrote it down, she looked a bit weird on how a little boy was the first to order, and in such a mature way.

"Can I get uh, maybe just all your meat you have." The waitress's eyes widened while Luffy was grinning ear to ear. "Can we limit that just a bit, we can give you all the meat we have prepared already."

"Please just get that." Law said handing money over to the waitress.

"Oh ok, I'll be with you both shortly." The waitress left and a while later she and some other worker came with the food mostly Luffy's. "How can you even eat that much?" Law looked concerned over how most of the food was Luffy's meat. "It's not that much. I would like more though!" Luffy said filling his mouth with meat. "Even older Torao was surprised!" Law was about take a bite of the Onigiri he got but before he could he heard the name Luffy had been calling him, Law was told by Luffy he was the younger boy of someone Luffy knew. He didn't think anything of it until now. It had been in the back of his mind.

"Luffy, what do you mean when you say "older Torao"?" Luffy stopped eating to look at the little Law, "it's exactly what it sounds like! You're the younger Law and he's the older one!"

Law cocked a brow, he sighed thinking he could get a logical answer out of someone like Luffy. Luffy went back to eating, and Law did the same.

After a while of eating and talking, Law put the plates they used in neat stacks, then walked out got Luffy to leave without anymore food.

"Why can't I eat more!" Luffy tried to get back in the restaurant but the chef and waitress were holding the door closed.

"Sir you have to leave!" The waitress cried, Law walked away and waited for Luffy to notice him gone. And Law was right when Luffy noticed Law had walked off ran to catch up.

"Can believe they didn't let me eat more, it's not like they can't just get more food!" Luffy said pouting.

Law sighed and continued walking next to Luffy as if he were a wild animal, meaning Luffy could run away and cause ruckus elsewhere.

They got to a small hotel of some sort and walked in. Law saw a sign to the right near the front desk and went to it to read.

"One free night if it's your first time!" Was written on the paper.

"What a coincidence that's exactly what was going to happen, one night here and we should be going." Law thought while walking back to Luffy. Luffy was rambling about some nonsense to the man at the front desk, something about if he lived there at the hotel.

"Can we have a room for two." Law stated making himself a little taller to see over the counter. When Luffy looked down to notice Law trying to make himself taller, he picked him up and waited for Law to continue talking.

"Put me down!" Law was struggling go get away from Luffy's grip but failed.

"Well I thought you wanted to feel taller!" Luffy was being pulled around by Law moving around to much.

"Uh, are the two of you going to get a room? If not I have to ask you to leave." The guy at the font counter said. Law stopped moving and raised his hand,

"Yes we would like a room for two." Luffy did his signature closed eye smile while putting Law down afterword's.

After some time they go the room and had laid in the beds they were going to sleep in for the night. Luffy had already fallen asleep, blanket somehow only on his arm, pillow on his back and a lot of drool. On the other hand Law was only left with his thoughts, thoughts of how Luffy being there in the past is possible.

"It could be a devil fruit, but that would be an over powered ability to have. But it wouldn't make sense for it to be anything else, well maybe a brain condition, or amnesia? I don't know at this point!" Law thought as he faded to sleep.


End of chapter four

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