Chapter 6: Large ongoing thoughts

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"Homo's....nothing's wrong but .....they can be terrifying..." Sanji was rocking himself in the corner. "Oh get over it." The swordsmen budded in.

"You don't know what horrors they can cause!" The chef cursed. "Whatever." Zoro said.

"On a serious note, where do you think Torao is?" Nami asked. The crew looked at each other and shrugged, well besides Nami and Robin. " one?" Nami asked once again. "Idiots, I tell you IDIOTS." Nami walked out of the room to go look.

Luffy was sleeping on the floor as all this was happening, not even knowing Law had walked off.

When Nami was looking around for Law, she heard mumbling. She walked to it, and saw it was Law. 'This idiot making a ruckus like this!' Walking closer to Law she stopped when she heard something in particular, "how long has this been?! He just appeared in the past and changed how I view everything! Idiot! I'm not going to be like 'oh yeah also I love you now lets go to dressrosa!' If I wanted to I would tell him, but why would he care?!" Nami poked her head out to see Law holding his head in his hands and his knees raised. "Torao? What are you mumbling about?" Law raised his head and was red, flustered from his ears to neck.

"Nami-ya...was I too loud..? Did you...hear..?" Law stuttered, badly. "Torao, do you, have feelings for Luffy?" Nami sat next to Law. "What would you do if I say I do." Law confessed, creating eye contact. "You confused everyone just for this? Sometimes you're like the other guys..." Nami sighs and gets up. "Well better tell Luffy soon before he gets the wrong idea, I know you'll avoid him because of all of this." She walked off and left Law thinking and planning of how he should tell Luffy.

About an hour later Luffy felt a rumble in his stomach, he slowly woke up, groaning not wanting to get up. He noticed he was on the floor and started to roll around, he didn't wanna be on the floor but that was to bad for him. He didn't know why he was on the floor so he thought about it, not reaching any clues. Then he slammed into the wall. His stomach growled shortly after and he started his daily routine. "SANJI FOOD!" Luffy yelled not startling anyone but Caesar. Luffy got up and walked out the door to see everyone outside.

'Why is everyone outside I thought they were doing their own things today.' Luffy thought still walking over. "Sanji I want food." He nudged the cook lightly on the shoulder still half asleep.

"There's food on the table for you, you got up a bit late today so we all left you our leftovers and your own food." Sanji pointes at the dinning room door, also known as the kitchen door.

Luffy ran inside, not hesitating to eat everything in sight.

"How can anyone be in love with someone like that, yeah he is strong but the way he acts can be a bit, just not the best..." Nami said to herself. She sighed and walked over to her orange trees. "Nami-swaaan! Do you need any help getting oranges?" Nami nodded and smiled. Sanji happily helped Nami.

"Chopper! Come help me with this metal bar! Franky told me to shape this into a box so he can finish the other project he has been working on!" Usopp called mildly loud, loud enough for Chopper at least. "Ok! I'll be right there! I'm cleaning up Zoro's cut he dropped the knife while washing dishes!" Chopper said paying close attention to Zoro's arm. "The whole crew doesn't need to know that!" Zoro yelled at Chopper for being way louder then expected. "The marimo dropped a knife while doing dishes! Priceless!" The cook laughed hysterically at what he had heard over on the other side of the ship.


Law was silently freaking out. He didn't show it but he was, 'I know Nami-ya said not to avoid him but what he did was just, I can't forget that!' He had a straight face through all of these thoughts. He knew from experience one of the straw hat's would know that he was worried, so he just thought it would be secret if he just didn't physically show anything.

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